Powers and Traits

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Ok so Izuku is gonna have a bit of a list so Lets a go. 

(Error Blaster) This is basically a Gaster Blaster but better. They're black with the glowing bits looking like lava.

(Error Bones) This is also just stronger than normal San's bones. They are also black bones.

(Soul Strings) He can use these strings to either tie up souls to then crush and erase them or he could make his strings go inside them and transfer his soul into their body. This is also his favorite way to do things with the Soul Strings rather than his other moves.

(AU Jump) He can use this ability to teleport into different universes he can also use it for just plain old teleportation.

(Other Sans Items) He will eventually travel to other Sans and steal their Item and be able to use it.

(Some Weaknesses) He has the same weakness as Chara he is addicted to chocolate. He also has bad eye sight it is why he prefers his soul strings. He also will carry a pair of red tinted glasses kept in his hoodie pocket. Additionally he also has haphephobia (The fear of being touched) He can also randomly glitch which causes him to see a whole lot of ERRORS of course this wouldn't happen if he didn't have the soul strings. He also has a weird love of cute things and loves to cuddle with them and just isn't bothered by his haphephobia with cute things.

(Izuku's Look) Izuku is going to wear the same thing as Error Sans. He will also have his hair darker closer to black than green. His eyes are a dull silver. 

That is Izuku's power set and weird traits. Next chapter will be the start of the actual story. So... PEACE

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