Katsuki Bakugo

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Katsuki always had a big ego and it grew even more when he got his quirk. The only thing keeping him on the ground was his childhood friend Izuku. So when Izuku told him about his quirk he was happy he finally had someone who could be his rival. Someone who he thought was as strong as him. When Izuku demonstrated his quirk he was even more amazed.

After they decided to play around. They played with each other for most of the day messing around with each others quirks and dust having fun. When it became time to leave the pre-school they said goodbye and left to see each other tomorrow. When Izuku told his mom what happened today she was happy he got to play with his friend.

The next day they did the same thing played until it was time to go. They did that every day for a year both of their quirks getting even stronger than before. That was when they first started to really get into hero's. And they knew that that was what they were going to be when they grew up.

At the age of six there obsession with hero's grew as they watched more and more of hero's saving the day. They became the best of friends they basically did everything together. When it was time for the next school they wanted to go to the same one so they could stick together and they did. When they finally got to junior high was when they really started training. They worked on the strength, speed and quirks, so that when they got to UA high they were ready to show everyone that they were strong.

ERROR Izuku (HIATUS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora