Back To Where It All Began.

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Camille POV

Two months had passed since I last heard or saw my father's tricks. Winter was approaching fast and all my focus was set on getting my mother to Oklahoma. Since she was discharged she was living under her family's powerful protection. Thank God the Collin's were good in keeping secrets and the hate they had for my father was enough to join forces with me to bring him down.

They have always been hesitant in bringing him down because of my mother's connection to him but since he tried to hurt my mother the last bridge was burnt down. Keeping them from attacking him without me was the greatest task I had recently. A task I didn't mind one bit.

Getting Martinez was proving to be hard for both Greg, the gang and the crew. We had hoped to get who Martinez was a few months ago. I have a feeling that Martinez found out I had given a few of my staff different destinations and acting upon it would lead us directly.

Well that game is far from over I have a few tricks up my sleeve and I am sure escaping all of them would be the greatest hustle even for the most skilled KGB agent. There was no way anyone would escape this.

I rarely talked to my staff since this whole circus with my father started. I was turning to be my most beloved introvert. A task that had taken me years to overcome. Slipping back to my doom was something my father had achieved to force me into but giving up my independence and following his fucked up plans for my life. 

I am determined to break all his plans and that is starting with going to Canada and getting my mother. This is my own solo ride. I don't want anyone to know. Not even Greg will have the slightest idea of where I am going. This is just my many impromptu decisions that I make without thinking of the consequences of my actions. Furthermore it will be a three day max trip. Go, spend one day there and hop on a plan the next day with my mother.

Two months ago while I was on my solo trap trip to Chicago that failed miserably, I am glad to say that the whole trip was not a failed mission. I had managed to get two original fake passports for my mother and I. And no single soul on my payroll knows about them. These are the passports that I'll use today.

My plan is excellent, leave the house like I have been doing since I came back, always avoiding to use any of my cars. Uber has been saving my life since. Get dropped off to a mall that is far from any airport just to confuse whoever that may decide to be following me, eat at the McDonald's in the mall then sneak to the  airline ticketing office and get tickets and rent a car to take me to the airport. No one including the airport security will be suspicious of one woman with just a carry-on bag with two sets of jeans, vests, innerwear and laptop. Furthermore its a three day trip my return ticket screams that loud.

Canada, here I come.


I have been working so hard to uncover who Martinez is and every time I think I've got her. I hit a dead end. Today was no different from the other days. This is my fourth laptop in a span of two months. I have been releasing my wrath and frustrations through my laptops. The only thing that seems to be enjoying my frustrations is amazon. My bank balance bleeding just because I can't keep myself in check. I'm a pathetic human who is so poor at his job. I mean what's hard in finding just one person that is just there scheming right in front of our noses. I'm pathetic. Goddammit I was kinda getting used to this laptop. Time to order another laptop.

Camille has been distant since she came back. I am sure it is the frustration of not getting the mole. It was a wasted trip or maybe Martinez isn't working alone. Damn that makes the list of suspects grow ten folds. I am getting the worst headache ever. I need a break from thinking about this mess.

A quick walk and a phone call to Camille would be perfect to calm me down. Whiskey would be a good fix in this situation but I am on my weekly fasts from alcohol. Sucks to be a man of principles. Maybe I should go easy on myself ease up the hard rules I live by. Maybe just maybe my anger management will be so much better. But those are unnavigated waters that I don't think I have the balls to explore.

"Hi, this is Camille, sorry I can't come to the phone right now. Please leave a message I'll get back to you as soon as possible."

Damn this is the first time I've been sent straight to voice-mail. No matter how busy she always is she always picks up my calls. This can't be good. Something is up and I need to get to the bottom of it.


The plane landed. Still with my disguise I maneuvered through Toronto international Airport try to get me a taxi. The cold wind blew and it reminded me of how much I had missed home. Did I just call this place that held my worst memories home? A place that I never wanted to be back unless if I was coming home to do the whole world a service of burying my father. I had sworn I wouldn't be back on the land that my father was in breathing the same air. Well plans don't go as planned and lately things had been going on like that for me.

I hated it. I loved planning things and foreseeing the possible future but that had been robbed off me thanks to the man that I had his blood running through me. He always said that I was my father's daughter a fact that as much as I wished it wasn't true it would always be true and nothing I would do about it.

Changing my name and running away to a whole new country and building something new for myself seemed to have worked for the years but my whole old identity that I had tried to shove behind me always seemed to hover around like a scorned ex wife. Was time I embraced my name and history that it held? How long would i keep running?

My train of thoughts was abruptly stopped by a family screaming in joy next to me. A loved one coming home how nice for them. I was jealous of that bond something I would never have. But maybe it was still too early to say never. A girl could only dream and hope. What were we with no dreams though?

The camera flash flicker got me. Shit they were taking a selfie and I was right in the back there considering the angle of the girl's hand. I had to think fast. I am supposed to be a ghost in Canada. Noone should know I am here. If they would post that everyone including him would know. I offered to take there family picture. "How sweet of you lady" the girl said to me. I just offered a smile and went ahead to take two stunning pictures and deleting the other that I had photo bombed. No evidence I was ever there. "Great thinking Camille" I told myself.

I walked off heading to the taxi ramp and as I hailed a taxi, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hello Beatrix" as I lost my consciousness and off to a long long slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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