the accident

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*y/n pov:

I woke and snoozed my alarm as fast as i could. It was a nice chilly wednesday morning. I got ready and went downstairs when i got greeded by my older brother wilbur. Goodmorning y/n, there are some pancakes if u want. I was already running kinda late so i took two plane pancakes and sprinted out the door. School was only a ten minute walk. I put my airpods in a started listening to a playlist on spotify.

I arrived at school and was immediately greeted by Sage. Whats up bitch!. Ugh i love Sage, ive know her for such a long time, our moms where bestfriends when they were young and we decided to do the same as them. We walked to math together and sat in our seats and we start to joke around because math is boring. Y/n, Sage, one more word and you two will be gone. Sage and i chuckled a bit before returning to the lesson. Not even two seconds later Sage passed me a note "He didn't say we couldn't pass notes*smirk face emoji* I quickly grab some paper from my notebook and write something on it. This continues for a while.

The bell rang and i had a free period with Sage. We went to buy some snacks and just talk and joke around. I had a just took a sip of my iced coffee when Sage made a joke and i almost spat all of the coffee out. I then had biology without Sage but with Toby. Ive been friends with Toby for a longggg time. It all started when in the second grade, someone made fun of his bee lunchbox and i took a marker i scribbled on the bullies face. Toby and i have been bestfriends ever since. He is also a streamer and plays mc with Wilbur. We didn't really pay attention at biology but we didn't care. All of the remaining lessons i had i was alone so i kept quiet and doodled in my notebook. It was time for lunch and met up with Toby and Sage. Those two were constantly flirting and both had a crush on each other but never admitted their feelings. You know it would happen sometime. You only had two lessons left after lunch, one with Sage and the other one with Toby. You walked home with Toby since you two only lived a few houses from each other. I gave him an airpod and started blasting our song A.K.A Best Friend by Rex Orange County. We were screaming the lyrics when we got to Toby's house. I walked to my house and heard Wilbur screaming at someone. YOU FUCKING CHILD ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!?!. I chuckled and went to my room to make some homework and watched netflix.

Me and Wilbur lived together because our parents both live very busy lives with bunch of business trips and stuff.   6:30 pm. I went downstairs and made dinner for the both if us while trying not to burn the house down. The food turned out pretty good. You walked to Wilburs room and kicked it open. Dinner time Wilby Scoot! Wilbur fell of his chair with a loud thud and you heard laughs coming of his computer. Goddamnit y/n im streaming! Sorry Wilby! Here's some food! Thanks, just don't give me a heart attack next time. I chuckled and went back to my room and ate dinner.

I saw out the window that the sun was setting and quickly texted Wilbur. Hey! im gonna watch the sunset. ill be back at 9:) Wilbur replied "k cya" i quickly put my shoes on a walked to a hill. There was a little bench where you could sit on and there was no one else. You listened to your music while the sun was setting.

After a while the sky was painted a beautiful shade of dark blue

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After a while the sky was painted a beautiful shade of dark blue. I was walking back home. I was crossing a street when i suddenly hear a honk and there was a bright light in my face. I shielded myself with my arm and the next thing i know, Everything went black.

I wake up somewhere unfamiliar. I hear beeps and some muffled talking. I grunt while trying to get up. My whole leg is in a cast. ⚠️TW: needles⚠️ I see a bunch of needles in my arm. I let out a sigh. Someone who appeared to be a docor came in the room. I quickly asked what happened.  You were hit by a car young lady, don't worry everything will be fine. Fuck. You have some visitors, would you like to see them? Yes i would love to! the next thing i know Wilbur, Sage and Toby run in my room. Wilbur came up to me and hugged me carefully, Sage and Toby quickly followed after him. Wilbur was gonna bring all my stuff tommorow. They all asked me questions and i answered them all. The visiting hours were over so they had to leave. The doctor came back and asked if i needed anything. A glass of water would be nice. Shortly after that you were sipping on your water. I went on your phone because there was nothing better to do. I watched a couple movies before going to bed. I woke up pretty early and got handed the menu for breakfast. I ordered some crossaintd with fruit and oranje juice. It didn't taste that bad. After a while Wilbur showed up with all of my stuff. Wilbur and i talked about school and all that stuff but he already took care of it.

Wilbur can be annoying with his screaming but he is the best brother ever. Our parents where always busy so he basically rased me. I chatted with Wilbur for a while and once again the visiting hours where over. I said bye to Wilbur and went on twitter. You posted a pic of you in your hospital bed.


caption: i got a swag attack :o

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caption: i got a swag attack :o

After that i watched some netflix and went to sleep.

vote or ill take your minecraft >:(
drink some water:))

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