the boy

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*y/n pov*

When i woke up there suddenly was a other hospital bed in the room. The room was for two hospital beds. Hopefully they aren't an asshole. I look over on the bed and saw a blonde boy peacefully sleeping, one leg in a cast and one of his arms in bandages. He looked around my age. (a/n you're 16 btw) I decided to get some more sleep because it was 3 am. I drifted off in a peaceful sleep.

*tommy pov*
Suddenly i wake up in an unfamiliar place, i scanned the room a bit more and saw that it was a hospital room. "Fuck" i thought to myself. I saw my leg in a cast and my arm full of bandages. Whoops. I look a bit more around the hospital room and see another hospital bed in front of mine. I get up and see a girl peacefully asleep in front of me. IM IN A HOSPITAL ROOM WITH A WOMAN, POG! I thought. She looked around my age. It was 4 am so i decided to get some more sleep.

*y/n pov*
I was woken up by one of the nurses and see the boy from last night already awake and talking to a nurse. The nurse who woke me up passed me a menu for breakfast and i just ordered something random that looked good. I turn to see the boy from accross the room just finishing talking to the nurse. I introduced myself like the good person i am. His name was Tommy, i swear ive heard that name before.

*time skip*

It was now later in the afternoon and Wilbur texted me he would visit me.

-Wilby scoot
hiya im gonna visit u today idc if u don't wanna.

fine but there is a new patient in the room btw

-Wilby scoot
hopefully they aren't a bitch:) see u soon!

I just went on my phone and watched one of tubbo's streams. (a/n im gonna call toby tubbo from now on btw) About 15 minutes later i see Wilbur standing in the doorframe which was as tall as him. Hey Will! Hey y/n how u holding up? Good good, i even got a roommate! When Wilbur saw Tommy he gasped loudly which made the nurses look at us. TOMMY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!?!?!?!? WILBUR? I COULD ASK U THE SAME THING! I looked at the two screaming at eachother and it was quite hilarious. Turns out Tommy is a twitch streamer that often streamed with Wilbur. It was kinda shocking to be honest.

*time skip*
*still y/ns pov*

Over the past weeks Tommy and i have became best friends. Sometimes the nurses would tell us to shut up because we were being too loud but we ignored them and continued being loud. Tommy and i actually had a lot in common, i mean we both know Tubbo and Wilbur and shared a lot of similarities. We often called with Tubbo, Sage and Wilbur.

Tommy and i decided to make a plan of making Tubbo and Sage admit there feelings for each other cause we were both done with the flirting, Wilbur soon found out the plan and decided to join us.

When we weren't calling with our friends we would talk about random things or play minecraft and watch movies till late in the night. I found out Tommy only lived a few streets away from me. pog. Tommy had introduced me to the Dream SMP
and everyone was super nice. He did look kinda jealous when Big Q was flirting with me as a joke but i didn't think much of it. One of the many things we talked about was Lila, a girl Tommy knew and hated but had to stay friends with because of theyre parents. His parents also didn't like Lila. Tommy would tell stories about her and afterwards we would both wheeze at how much of a stupid bitch she is.

Sometimes we would prank call Wilbur at 2am. Wilbur screamed at us but we didn't care to be honest. We would have the best time. Tommy was such an amazing best friend holy shit. We had to stay in the hospital for the same amount of weeks. Sometimes his parents would visit him and i thankfully had a good bond with them. I bought one of those skylight thingies and asked if we could place it in the hospital room cause it was boring af. We would often watch the sunsets and proceed to look at the 'stars' on the ceiling.

 We would often watch the sunsets and proceed to look at the 'stars' on the ceiling

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* it looks like this^ *

Tommy would eventually post pics of me on his twitter without me knowing. I did the same to him. We would scream at each other but just burst out laughing after some time.

My 17th birthday was coming up and Wilbur asked what i wanted, my response left him in shock. I want a PC so i can stream like you. Wilbur and Tommy celebrated and Wilbur gave me two hugs, one from him and one from Tommy who couldn't hug me because we both had a broken leg.    I would often catch Tommy staring at me but he caught me too sometimes. Take a picture, ill last longer. Tommy quickly looked away and blushed a bit, i laughed a bit at his actions but forgot about them after some time. I often borrowed hoodies from him after asking for a long time. Considuring we basically met each other in our pjs we didn't care how we looked.

I was sleeping when i heard Tommy talking to someone, i recognized the voice, it was Tubbo. Big man Tommy what are u gonna give y/n on her birthday? SHHH TUBBO. Anyway, i want it to be something special because she means a lot to me! I blushed at that. OOOOOOOO TOMMY'S HAS GOT A LITTLE CRUSHHH. Shut up Tubbo. Tommy said half laughing. Tommy, crushing on me?

This week has been interesting:
monday: my cat died that ive known my whole life:(
tuesday: went hiking with my friends and it was amazing.
wednesday: got a 47% on my history test that i studied fucking hard for. Also got a 54% on a bio project. So fuck u bio and history.
thursday: i don't remember it.
friday: had another test:(
saterday: my moms friend came and im going to a big festival next year and my sibling said that my new trousers where 'pogchamp'.
sunday: chocolate egghunt and chilling.

also sorry i didn't update but i have like a million tests atm and my mental health is shit atm but anyway enjoy this chapter lol.

vote or ill remove hamilton from disney plus>:(

if u wanna b friends my insta is @isis.pennings


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