Chapter 6

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You went up to your room and sat down on your bed, falling back, letting out a huge sigh.

That must have been one of the best nights I've had, how can he be so hot AND respectful?!

You jumped off your bed and walked into your bathroom to have a shower. You opened the window a crack to let the steam out and stripped down, turning on the shower and hopping in once it was nice and hot. You scrubbed down your body and used your favourite shampoo and conditioner. You were quietly humming to yourself when you heard a loud scratch noise outside. You jumped, getting some shampoo in your eye.

"Ahh, ow, it stings, it stings"

It must've just been a bird on the roof or something

You finished cleaning yourself and turned the water off, hopping out and drying yourself down before wrapping the towel around your body.  You walked back into your room, forgetting to shut the window. You put on your Pjs and quickly dried your hair.

"I hope tomorrow goes well, UA's so great, I'm so glad I got in!"

You sighed, turning off your light and hopping into bed, soon enough you had fallen sound asleep.

~ Time Skip - 1:30 am ~

~ Midoriya's POV ~

That was close, I need to be more careful, if I made too much noise she could've caught me

Now, time for the main event. It's a good job she forgot to shut the window, if she'd shut it, this would've all been for nothing and I'd have to come back tomorrow.

Now, I should be able to fit through here

Midoriya made his way to the window, slipping his hand through the crack to open it further. He hoisted himself up being careful to not make too much noise. He slid in.

Step 1 complete, oh (Y/N) how I love you, if only you had chosen to train with me after school today, no worries though you'll be madly in love with me soon enough.

He made his way to your room, each step more careful than the next, if he woke you up and you saw him, he knew it wouldn't end well and he'd have to resort to plan B which he really didn't want to do. He made his way to your draws opening the top left one and just as he wanted, found your lingerie. He grabbed one of your bras and quietly shut the draw holding it close to him, his smile reaching ear to ear. He slowly walked over to your bed where you were sound asleep and hovered over your peaceful form. He leant down and gently placed a peck on your cheek.

Okay, time to go, I don't want to wake her up.

He walked back into the bathroom and slid out of the window closing it.

~ Time Skip ~

~ Your POV ~

- "what do you think of that L, this is my perfect victory, that's right, I WIN!" -

You woke up the the sound of your alarm and stretched 🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗

You slipped out from under your covers and grabbed your uniform, you looked in your draw to grab some underwear, but the one you were planning on wearing wast there.

"Hmm, must still be in the wash, too bad, I like that one"

You put your uniform on before brushing your hair and doing a bit of makeup. 

"Morning dad!"

"Morning (Y/N), having breakfast this morning?"

"Not today, I'm not hungry right now, I'll just have a big lunch"

"Okay, have a good day"

"Thanks! Bye!"

You grabbed your bag and walked out your house, and to your surprise, Todoroki was there waiting.

"Oh, Shoto, what are you doing here?"

"I was waiting for you, do you want to walk to school with me (Y/N)?"


You walked up to him smiling and you both headed off to school together

You walked into the class, you noticed Bakugou lift his head up smirking slightly when he saw you, but then immediately frowned and glared at Todoroki when he spotted him next to you.

You walked to your seat and on the way Bakugou grabbed your wrist

"I thought you two weren't dating" he whisper growled

"We're not Bakugou, we just walked to school together"


He let go of your wrist and rested his chin on his palm facing the front, scowling

You sat down and waved at Midoriya who was smiling at you

~ Time skip - Lunch ~

"Alright class, you can all go and have lunch now" Aizawa said before slipping himself back into his sleeping bag

You stood up and Midoriya approached you, just before Todoroki could

"Hey (Y/N), did you want to come eat lunch with me today?"

"Yeah, of course, I'll just grab my lunch card"

You grabbed your card and looked up at Shoto

"I'm going to eat lunch with Midoriya today Shoto, you can join if you'd like"

"No, it's okay (Y/N), I'll eat by myself today"

"Okay, I'll see you in class"

You walked up to Midoriya, smiling

"Okay! Ready" you said

You both walked off to the canteen together, two pairs of eyes glued to your back.

⛓CONFLICT⛓- Reader x Todoroki x Yandere Midoriya x Bakugou Where stories live. Discover now