Chapter 13

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"Hey guys" you smiled as you walked into Mina's room, still hand in hand with Todoroki

You sat down in between Todoroki and Bakugou as Mina also took her place in the circle

"Okay, I'm gonna ask first" Mina said

The room was dim with fairy lights around the walls making the atmosphere perfect for truth or dare

"I piickkkk......... Denki, truth or dare?"

"Errrm truth I guess"

"Whimp" Bakugou sneered

"Okay okay, whose your crush?"

"Wha-? How did you know I had a crush"

"Maybe you can ask me that when it's my turn"

"Hmph fine whatever, It's errrm..... Jirou" he whispered

"Ooooo I knew it I knew it I knew it!" Mina whisper shouted

Jirou just blushed in the corner glancing at Denki

Denki was bright red

"Okay, you can pick who to ask next now Kaminari" Tsuyu told him

"Oh okay, then I pick Midoriya. Truth or dare?"


"Errrm do you fancy anyone?"

"I, Um, I... yes I do"

"Omg wait really? Who?" Kaminari asked intriguingly

"That's not part of the truth, I've already answered your question"

"Ugh not fair" Kaminari replied

"Okay, Kirishima, Truth or dare?"

"I'm gonna go truth aswell"

"Okay, do you like Mina?"

"Ooo how savage Midoriya" Mineta said

Mineta wasn't allowed to join the game for obvious reasons so they just tied him up in the corner using Sero's tape so he wouldn't be completely left out

"I.. do actually haha" he said nervously rubbing the back of his neck

Mina looked at him, eyes wide,

"I um, like you too" she said

"Oh you .. do?"


"Ahh I'm so glad"

They ended up moving spaces so they could sit next to each other. Mina was sprawled out a little leaning against Kiri as he was stroking her head

"Okay, Bakugou truth or dare" Kiri asked


"I dare you to kiss the hottest person in this room"


Bakugou looked straight over to you next to him. He leaned in his hand snaking round your neck bringing your face closer to him. His lips connected onto yours softly moving them. He was much more gentle than you imagined. His thumb stroking your neck as he attempted to deepen the kiss however you were jolted back into Todoroki's arms.

"Mine" Todoroki sternly said staring at Bakugou. Bakugou just smirked, glancing at you one last time before turning his head back to the circle.

Everyone sat there, jaws dropped, including you.

"Mineta, I'm asking you"

"But he's not playi.." 

"Truth or dare"

"Ooo don't mind if I do,  I pick dare"
I hope he gives me something juicy

"I dare you to leave the room and not come back"

"Wha-? Hey that's not fair"

"You're the one that picked dare idiot now off you go"

Mineta got up and trudged out the room

"Okay I'll pick next then as Mineta's gone" Iida said

"(Y/N), truth or dare?"

"Hmm dare"

"I dare you to sit in Todoroki's lap for the rest of the game"

Both you and Todoroki flushed a little bit soon enough you got up and sat down in his lap. He wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head in your shoulder. You could feel his breath against your neck, causing you to shiver a little.

The game continued until 12:30, when everyone decided that they were tired

"Hey, did you guys wanna sleepover?"

"Aww yeahhh!" Everyone said

You all set up your sleeping stations with cushions and blankets

Mina was on her bed with Kiri snuggling her close, Kaminari and Jirou were cuddled up together in the corner, Ochaco and Tsuyu were sleeping next to each other, Sero was on the other side of Kaminari, Iida was by the toilet door, Midoriya was by Tokoyami and you were on the floor sandwiched between Bakugou and Todoroki.
The rest had decided to sleep in their own rooms as their wasn't much space. Everyone was soon enough asleep, both of your hands being held, one by Todoroki and one by Bakugou, if you'd been awake you would've shaken Bakugou's off you as you're dating Todoroki, however you had long fallen asleep by the time he grabbed your hand. As you were sleeping he whispered in your ear, "I'm not giving up on you yet", little did he know, Todoroki was still just about awake, scowling and pulling your warm body closer to him.

It was 3am and everyone was dead asleep, apart from you. You were desperate for the toilet, you carefully got up, leaving the warmth of Todoroki's arms and walked over to the toilet, it was dark in there, you did tents to turn the light on incase of waking anyone up, so you peed quickly and after washing your hands you felt a pair of warm hands cover your eyes and mouth. They leaned closer to your neck peppering it with kisses, they used their teeth to pull your T-shirt down over your shoulder a bit as the started kissing your collar bone, you tried to struggle but they were way too strong, they had a strong grip and had pushed you up in between the wall and their self. Quickly the lips and hands left your body and left. You turned around but you couldn't really see anyway as it was dark.

You walked back into the room looking to see if anyone had moved or was rushing to get into bed, to see if you could tell who it was. But everyone was dead still and silent.

You brushed it off, hoping it was just Todoroki playing a cute prank on you and would tell you in the morning.
You hopped back into his arms and soon fell asleep again.

Authors note:
Sorry for the delayed update, I had lots of work, but here's a slightly longer chapter. Don't forget to vote ❤️
Make sure to check out my other book - twisted love - Yandere haikyuu - it's much more fast paced so I recommend

⛓CONFLICT⛓- Reader x Todoroki x Yandere Midoriya x Bakugou Where stories live. Discover now