Chapter 9

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⚠️ WARNING  - blood / violence ⚠️

"Oh wow, this is amazing! I'm so glad you knew about this Shoto"

"Yeah my mum mentioned it when I visited her yesterday"

"Oh right, how is your mum?"

"She's getting better, thanks for caring"

"Of course"

You and Todoroki walked around the fair, wondering what to ride first

"Hey, why don't we go on the pirate boat first?" You asked

"Yeah sounds good"

You both walked over to the pirate boat, luckily there wasn't a big queue so you got on straight away

The boat started rocking back and forth getting higher and higher, you were about to lift your hands in the air when you felt Todoroki grab your hand his face showing both happiness and terror, you laughed and swung your interlocked hands up into the air laughing as the boat swung high.

After the pirate boat, you both went to the food stall, where you picked up (f/food).

Throughout the evening, you and Todoroki went on many rides and had so much fun together, it was getting dark now as it hit 10pm.

"Hey let's finish the day off with the Ferris wheel" you told Todoroki

"Sounds perfect"

He grabbed your hand and you made your way onto the beautifully lit Ferris wheel.

~ Momo's POV ~

I can't believe (Y/N) left her phone in the classroom. She's going to need that. It's a good job I found it though, I had to go back home and do some training and tell my mum I was going to drop off (Y/N)'s phone, before I could look for her, hence why I'm now walking to her house at 10pm.

Okay, it should just be a few minutes from here now, I better be quick, I don't want her worrying too much about where her phone is.

I turned the corner, turning into a narrow, dark alleyway

"Huh? Oh hey, what are you doing outside at this time of nigh—"

"Huh? Oh hey, what are you doing outside at this time of nigh—"

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"Ahhh shoot what was tha-...."


"Mmm ehhehe mhahaha, one nuisance gone, (Y/N) will be mine soon enough"

I lay there, a ringing in my ears, my head throbbing, I could see my blood trickling down, along the concrete, I knew I didn't have long to live. (Y/N)! (Y/N)'s in danger! Stay alive Momo! You need to warn her! I could feel my eyelids getting heavy, the pain slowly numbing. No no no, don't leave this world just yet, hang on a little long...

~ Todoroki's POV ~

Wow, she looks so beautiful, the moonlight lighting up her face, I really don't want to loose her, she already means so much to me.

"Look Shoto! We're at the top, look at the view"

"My view is even more beautiful"

"Hmm? What was tha-"

I leaned forward and placed my lips on hers, I couldn't hold back anymore, I wanted to make her mine, her lips were cold as the night wasn't very warm, I could hear her heart beating fast as I moved my hand to the back of her neck to deepen the kiss.

~ Your POV ~

Ahhhhhh this can't be happening?! Am I really making out with THE beautiful Shoto Todoroki at the top of a Ferris wheel in the moonlight?!!! Whaaaaaa

He placed his hand on the back of my neck to deepen the kiss, I was feeling weak, how can he be such a good kisser?!

We got off the Ferris wheel hand in hand blushing and smiling.

"I'll walk you home"

"Mmm id like that"

As we arrived outside my house I gave Shoto a hug and he returned it

"H-hey (Y/N), do you perhaps want to be.... my ..... girlfriend?"

"Yes, a hundred times yes"

I grinned ear to ear and squeezed him even tighter, feeling his warmth radiate through his sweater.

"I'll see you tomorrow Shoto"

"Look forward to it princess"

Eeeek I'm in love

I walked inside my house and ran up to my room squeeling and flipping down on my bed

I can't wait to tell Momo about this, she'll be so happy for me, she's been routing for us to get together since the first day.

Little did you know, while you were having the best night of your life, her cold and lifeless body was left stiffening up on the concrete in a dark gloomy alleyway.

Authors note:
Oooop, I really didn't want to cut Momo off because I live her so much, but I felt lien it had to be done :(
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⛓CONFLICT⛓- Reader x Todoroki x Yandere Midoriya x Bakugou Where stories live. Discover now