Houses Awake and a Child Sleeping

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-Chapter 1-

Tommy's scream was loud all right. The scream was gut-wrenching for all to hear. A scream that literally made all feel Tommy's pain.

Pain so unbearable that many tears were shed. The scream was still echoing however. It was drowning the server with its pain.

Everyone was awake that night due to the scream. Many lights were lit up as a lantern-stork flies through the sky.

Tubbo, the President of L'Manberg, stares out to his citizens on his podium. "I know this must be a strange question but does anyone have a clue who screamed?", Tubbo says softly to the microphone as mutterings hammer afterwards.

Then there was silence again. All shaking their heads. But a porcelain sliver ghost didn't.

"Ghostbur? Do you know?", Tubbo says softly as the ghost floats straight up to the podium. He stares at Tubbo strangely as he answers softly into the mic.

"This person needs a lot of blue. But he told me to come back here to make everyone happy because he couldn't. Tommy is very sad.", Ghostbur says solemnly as horror dawns the L'Manbergians.

Niki screams as Ranboo holds her back, "TUBBO, WHERE THE HECK IS TOMMY?? YOU SAID HE WAS ON VACATION!!".

There was silence as Tubbo answers darkly, "Tommy was exiled from L'Manberg due to him "accidentally" burning down George's house when he was King. And Dream threatening to cage L'Manberg.".

Niki stares at Ranboo who looks at Tubbo furious. This was indeed an accident and Tubbo was lying.

"TUBBO, I WATCHED HIM REBUILD THAT HOUSE FROM THE GROUND. I WATCHED HIM TRY DESPERATELY TO PUT OUT THE FLAMES!! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ONLY A REVENGE PRANK FOR GEORGE REPEATEDLY GRIEVING AND TRASHING HIS HOUSE!!", Ranboo screams with all his fury as now Niki was now holding him back. But just barely as the pair Ender hybrids were both beyond angry. Niki who is an Ender Dragon Hybrid even more so as she considers Tommy one of her hatchlings.

With that many voices were charged alight with sadness and fury. The demand for war with the SMP Kingdom for the pain inflicted on Tommy. The demand for Dream's head growing with an angry mob awakened by Tommy's scream.

As this was happening, Fundy slips through the crowd. Running with all his might to his Dad's castle. Running to warn him of the growing threat of war. War caused by the unbearable pain from his Uncle. Pain that most likely caused by Dream.


Eret and the SMP Kingdom were very awake and hard at work figuring out who made such a scream of pain.

Eret being determined to figure out who would cry out in such distress. So far, they know the cry is from a child and they are heavily injured.

Which gives quite the small list of suspects which was proving well in the search. Also Eret had the clinics and hospitals working overtime for everyone's eardrums. Also the builders and cleaners for the shattered glass and fallen buildings.

Eret is right now waiting for news and the people he summoned for the investigation in his throne room.

He did not expect to see his son, Fundy, running straight to him. Or the guards chasing him as he enters the throne room.

"What is going on here? Fundy, Is something wrong?", Eret says softly shoeing the guards away from his son.

"The scream was from Tommy, Dad! My Uncle. And L'Manberg ready to declare war on the SMP and get pike Dream's head on a stick.", Fundy yells before collapsing in Eret's arms. Exhausted from the running from L'Manberg and scream having a bit of damage on his ears.

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