Shatter the World

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                            -Chapter 6-

Niki stares at George silently. Glaring slightly at him holding Tommy who is sleeping in the basket. However the pair were here to finalize their co-parenting dragon agreement.

"Can I check the crystal?", Puffy asks calmly though staring with a motherly worry. Niki and George both nod as George gently takes the necklace off Tommy.

Puffy and Niki examine it quietly before both their eyes dilate glowing brightly. "I knew it.", Niki hums as George stares at them confused.

"George, Dream lied about 'changing'.", Puffy says calmly holding a necklace dripping in mind magic waiting to be released.


"So Eret why house arrest?", Sapnap questions as Eret turns at him with a small simple smile. Ever so dangerously with a venom.

"Dream had realized ever so slightly how badly he messed up but George knows better. His clan knows better. This is all an clever act yet good manipulation.", Eret says swiftly before turning away with a dark smile.

"What?! THEN WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING AT!", Sapnap snaps staring at Eret almost feeling insanity clawing at him. Directly.

"It's not house arrest, Sapnap. It's an execution.", Eret answers as Sapnap steps back silently not in shock.

"Dream understood how to manipulate himself back into George's good graces and his clan. With his hatchling. Make an actual attempt of redemption to calm George then get near Tommy to place a strong mind spell. Probably one to make him forget everything in his life with a few other things.", Eret growls  as Sapnap nearly breaks his sword.

"He couldn't have cast a spell under his nose. Or mine.", Sapnap says remembering the wards he placed around Tommy stopping that.

"No, especially when said hatchling is claimed by Niki. Void Dragons can however pass on their powers after death. However with a special heirloom on their hatchlings. But sometimes to ensure their legacies are passed over they'll do something to the heirloom for when it shatters.", Eret says as Sapnap goes still as Eret continues on explaining everything that a pair of mother dragons told him long ago.


A house sat out in the far regions of the Essempi Kingdom. A four acre land of farmland and mines now being live in by one Dreamwastaken. This place being monitored day and night yet the location being public knowledge for those daring to visit.

It has only been a couple weeks but Dream had already planned put everything. Everything is coming his way. Eret is quite easy to fiddle but Dream knew it only gave him more time.

Dream laughs almost with a chuckle. The transitioning of his roles begin start as Dream stares at the flying "meteor" but he knew it wasn't. Yet he is glad however, Tubbo hasn't won yet.

It's a pity. The moment of a slight "redemption" ripped before he could even fix his "deeds" and mistakes. As the world cages itself in on this change, Dream stares out to the flying storks. There's magic in the air. Shock graces his eyes in recognition.

His eyes under his mask shift gravely perplexed, terrified, and worried. The signature so obvious and the lost child being his own so damn well.

"Sam, what did you do?! I specifically stored that magic away!!", Dream snarls as then death greets as the world lights out in flames. A cough of his last words stretching out as his wings begin to burn up in the dark magic from the nuke.

Very very far away, a Crystal on a young boy shattered. The power of one Void Dragon passed onto a hatchling. However the magic that Sam casted onto the server to save the children of this prison has only begun.

But Dreamwastaken had another necklace or communicator that shattered on a young president. His original plan before he had a hatchling following through.

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