Dragon's Nest & Forgiveness

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                       -Chapter 4-

Tommy has been healing accordingly though the recovery plan that Sam Nook has put him on. Though there was one thing that was slightly worrying.

Tommy was getting more and more tired often. He had to take naps or he would be extremely grumpy. He was also more low on energy as a whole. The naps did help Tommy in way, they were another way for Tommy to escape his sorrow.

He also was growing more hungry but nothing seemed to please his appetite. He also literally couldn't eat sometimes. He just throw up and be even more tired.

Ponk is extremely worried to say the least. So is Sam Nook and Fran. Both Ponk and Fran don't seem to know what is happening to him. Sam Nook seems to know however but he might have been ordered to not tell him.

The only person who seems to know is Sam. Sam seems both worried, sorrowful and some reason angry. If looks could kill then someone, though not Tommy, would be dead. Which set Tommy on edge to say the least.

As he knew that his sickness had something to do with Dream. But how he was away from Dream?! Sam didn't seem to know how either which explains his worry.

Some things did change however, Tommy now had room but instead of a bed, Tommy was sleeping in a nest of pillows and blankets.

Similar to the ones that Niki made in L'Manberg, which Tommy knows nothing of but on his own request. He couldn't "hear" about L'Manberg without thinking of Tubbo or Siren.

L'Manberg is Tubbo's country. L'Manberg is who Tubbo chooses first. L'Manberg was Siren's country. L'Manberg always first to Siren. Tommy was L'Manberg's tool.

But that was the least thing on Tommy's mind right now. In fact it was the last thing on his mind right now.

Something woke him up during one of his Sam Nook approved naps. He couldn't get back to sleep. Something else was screaming at him.

More so pulling him to something or someone. The pull was something he only familiarized with Niki.

Tommy crawls out of the nest. Too tired to walk and staying in his pajamas, he counties crawling to the door.

The pull growing stronger and more protective. Another pull like the magic of the lanterns growing stronger and more powerful. Both pulls were not warring with each other but helping the other. Both guiding to the light streaming from the crack opened door.

He pushes the door a little wider to see a duo boots. Two people standing in front of his room. Tommy with his hands on the floor notices the vibrations were choppy and angered.

The two people were angry and shouting. Tommy didn't like that. Too much reminding of Wilbur. Siren. Vibrations too much like the TNT in exile. Sound's TNT. Dream.

Tommy sniffs the air trying to see if one of them were the people he lives with. His people. The ones who have proven to care. That includes Quackity and others.

Tommy quickly familiarized the faint smell of gunpowder and Redstone. The smell he recognizes of Sam.

The next was strange and muffled. Tommy couldn't recognize him yet a part of his mind was screaming to be in this person's arms. He could smell potions, mushrooms and Void? He didn't know how to explain. The void smell was cold yet warm. The void reminded him of the smell of very cold dry ice yet hot chocolate at the same time.

Soon enough Tommy's own mind betrayed him and he opens the door to reveal himself. Then everything became extremely quiet.

Tommy doesn't know what happens next but what he does know was the second person magically picked him up and soon he was in their arms.

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