Chapter 3

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Narrator: Agga

Chapter 3

When we arrived at St.Yui's, the brides, my father, and a few priests were gathered. St. Yui's was a church founded a little after the Great Earth War. Earth was a sore spot for my species. They had lost a war millennias ago and they were still sore about it.

Our species was very draconian. The great Dharak had been the first Vestorian emperor to start conquering. He had got everything he wished for until he got to Earth. Darahk's key to power was the three sacred treasures. They were the lance, the grail, and the candelabra. Darhak had collected them all before he lost them on the blue planet. They scattered to three separate landmasses and cost Vestroia the war. Never again, the empire vowed as we began building our forces again.

"WELL IF IT ISN'T MY BOY!" my father boomed.

"Dad..." I said weakly.

"SO, DID YOU READ THE PROFILES?" my father asked.

Of course, I did, Dad," I told him.

All of these girls seemed the same to me. They were all here to please my father too, so I chose randomly.

"That one," I said pointing to a random bride.

"THE BODY SQUEEZER BRIDE, OKAY..." my father said.

My dad had only conquered the Body Squeezers about five years ago. They were new to the process. Still, it was now my turn with my newly chosen bride...

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