Chapter 19

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Narrator: Dr. Pyschobos

Chapter 19

"So Albedo hates you?" Candeloro smiled.

"Well, I genocided her planet and enslaved her," I murmured back.

"If it weren't for the rainbow monkey, I'd kill you too," she responded.

Our plan was simple I would sabotage the ship and get the rainbow monkey. Candleoro would get the escape pod and make sure the other two wouldn't kill me.

Things went smoothly at first. I cut some wires and found the room with the weird creatures. Then, a Houndour began howling and Vulcanus grinned at me.

"Going somewhere Pyschobos?" he grinned.

"Away from here?" I grinned.

"Leaving so soon..." Albedo said behind me.

"Candleoro where are you?!" I yelled.

That's when the ship stopped moving. I was teleported into an escape pod along with the monkey.

"Right here," she smiled.

"So, where are we going?" I asked her.


What was wrong with my life...

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