Chapter 16

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Narrator: Agga

Chapter 16

That night, I had another dream. I was in a dark place lit by pink torches. Two small figures approached a glowing throne. One I could make out as Jubber and the other was the white creature from the previous dream.

"Halt!" the glowing woman on the throne spoke.

I realized this was the Dreg Queen along with two guards.

"State your purpose!" she called.

"We are negotiators for the Time Lords," Kyubey smiled.

"Why would I negotiate with you?" the queen responded.

"It looks like she needs more convincing,' Jubber told Kyubey.

"This is Ridiculous," one of the guards said.

He pulled out an energy whip and tried attacking them. The guard was attacked by the oddest creature I had ever seen. It was like the lower half of a person with ice skates. It quickly injured the guard and he screamed.

"Don't worry, he'll live," Kyubey said without emotion.

"Due to that act of aggression, you leave us no choice," Jubber told them.

Kyubey then threw a card into the ground. It began worming its way into the earth. The entire place began to glow.

"What did you just do?!" The queen shrieked.

"I just set the Doom Card which will send your planet to the Null Void," Kyubey told her.

The next thing I knew there were bright flashes and screams. That's when I woke up from my nightmare.

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