Two Life Stories

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Lauren's POV...

I kept walking until I got to a nearby park. I remembered this place, it was where Alex and I hung out. Spotting the swings I took a seat and swung softly, the wind hitting my face and hair considering it was about midnight. I silently cried and thought about all the times I really couldn't stop thinking about Felix. Hell! I can't stop thinking about him right now. After sitting there for like half an hour, I decided to call Alex (In the picture). He picked up on the 2nd ring, "Hey...what's up?" he answered lazily. "Can you...pick me u-up at the park?" I asked in between sobs. "I'll be right there, just don't do anything crazy." He hung up. I knew what he meant by crazy, so I simply waited for him to arrive. When he finally got here he was wearing a thin sweater with a t shirt, still in his pajamas. I felt like such a burden to have him come during the night like this. "Sorry, I made you come out so late..." My head faced the ground kicking the dirt. "Don't worry about it....come on let's go to my house, my parents aren't home" I feel sorry for Alex, his parents never pay attention to him and he spends most of his time at home alone. We walked through the cold breeze and put our arms around each other. This was normal to us and people always teased us for it but we both know we don't feel that way towards each other.

When we arrived at his house I sat on the couch and he brought me some ice cream and a blanket "Thanks" I whispered "Don't mention it, anything for my sweet cupcake" I smiled and took in the warmth of the blanket as we watched tv. My eyes began to feel heavy "I'll let you sleep here on the couch" just as he was about to leave, I grabbed his arm "Stay with me" Alex let out a heavy sigh and sat down by my head, I scoot my head up so I was using his lap as a pillow. Alex smiled and ran his hands through my hair repeatedly. Soon enough we both fell asleep.

I woke up early in the morning, to see Alex's head almost dangling off the side of the couch, his hand on my shoulder. I got up and went over to my bag, pulling out my laptop and headphones, and opened up youtube. Youtube finished loading and my What To Watch list came up. I scrolled through CTFxC, 02l, then I spotted a recent upload from Pewdiepie with him play a new South Park episode. Something compelled me to click on it. He opened the video as usual but throughout the video he didn't seem that into it, he claimed he was "sick" but I knew the real reason. At the end of the video I could see tears welling up in his eyes and he concluded the video there. Alex then woke up and we ate breakfast together...

Felix's POV...

I uploaded the video and then dragged my feet to the kitchen forcefully. Toby would be here to check on me again so I had to eat something. My mind began to travel back to last night and how she said I didn't hear "her side of the story" but I could careless, she kissed James when she claimed she loved me how can I forgive that? Just then the doorbell rang and I knew it was Toby. I let him in and we talked about videos and stuff for a bit then he brought her up "You need to talk to her" my body tensed "I-I don't want to, and she probably doesn't want to talk either..." truth is I just was so pissed, I don't want to see her right now. "Fine that's your loss, she really liked you Felix, I could see it in her eyes. Well I need to go" And with that he got up and left me with my thoughts. My phone rang and I picked it up "Hello?" the caller ID was unknown "Felix! I'm so happy to finally talk to you now that you know you need me!" This just got a whole lot more complicated.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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