Game Nights Part 2 of 2

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"Lauren, you can't sleep either..."

I turned my head towards the voice thinking it was Felix. To my surprise, it was Nova. "Yeah..." He gave me a lazy smile and grabbed a glass of water himself. " you like anyone here?" he asked a bit nervous. "I like everyone here, they are all cool" I said with a smile. Nova chuckled "No no, I meant like-like" My mouth made an O shape "Well yeah, but that's for me to know and you to wonder." I laughed. " then" he said kinda sad. "Well I'm gonna go back to sleep, goodnight Nova" I said putting my glass in the sink "Goodnight, and call me James." I nodded and headed back to bed. It was a bit easier to sleep now and I just kept thinking about how nervous James was when he asked me that question. Does he like me? No, that's outrageous we just met, besides I'm kinda in love with Felix and Felix is kinda in love with me too.

In the morning...

I woke up earlier than everyone else and decided, why not make a huge breakfast with pancakes, waffles, bacon, and eggs. The first to wake up was Ian, then James. Ian, James and I were sitting down eating when Felix came out of nowhere and hugged me from behind. "Hey beautiful." he said lazily, I giggled "Hey" Out of the corner of my eye I could see James with a face of shock, anger, and sadness. Felix let go and got some food, I turned my head towards James and his expression softened. I furrowed my eyebrow as if to ask what's wrong? but he just stared back down at his plate of food, picking at it. Shrugging I finished up my food and put everything in the sink. At this time everyone had woken up and began eating while James was off somewhere in the house and Ian was playing Pokemon along with Felix. Minutes later everyone finished eating and we were all sitting around thinking on what to do next. We all decided to play more video games to pass the time since we wanted to watch the movie at night. We played Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart. Throughout the whole thing Felix and I made our own team and killed everyone before going after ourselves. Once again James piercing stare made me shudder, Felix didn't seem to notice though.


After all the games were done we realized it was already 8 pm. Felix decided we would watch Sinister. Everyone took a seat and funny enough Felix was on my right and James on my left. My palms were sweaty from the tension I could feel from James and the obliviousness I felt from Felix. The movie started and everyone was a bit spooked, some screams escaped from Anthony and Ryan and curses from Aleks. When the really scary parts came up on instinct I moved to my left considering I'm ambidextrous and hid my face behind James' back. I was gonna move away when James whispered that it was okay if I got too scared. He put his arm around my shoulders, more in a romantic than friendly way if you ask me. Now it was Felix's turn to be pissed, he didn't say anything, instead he just clenched his fists and turned his attention to the tv screen. As for Nova, he didn't take his arm off me until I told him I was REALLY okay. Even then, he hesitated but gave me a warm smile. For the rest of the movie I wasn't very scared and I could tell Felix wanted to hold my hand or something but didn't do it sadly.


The movie finished and everyone filed out except for James who claimed to have left something behind. Felix seemed annoyed by this but I went to see if I could help. I headed to the storage room (more or less an office/storage since it has a computer and video game shelf along with boxes) As soon as I entered I was pushed against the wall, the light was turned off and I was in a state of shock. "Lauren, I like you a lot, but I can tell Felix likes you too" James voice cracked a bit when he said that. "I hope you feel the same" and then a pair of soft lips met my own. I melted into the kiss but I was kind of imaging Felix kissing me. Then the light switch when on and James was tackled to the other side of the room. "What the hell do you think your doing?!" Felix shouted. James and I were both in a state of extreme shock. When James didn't respond Felix punched him in the nose. Felix really likes aiming for the nose. James fell to the floor in pain. Just as Felix was about to hit him again I jumped in front Felix and took the hit. Why the fuck did I just do that without thinking? "LAUREN!" they both yelled and Jordan and Toby walked in. Toby pulled Felix away from James seeing as he was still pissed, while Jordan helped James and I stand. "Thanks..." I mumbled and then glanced at James whose nose was bleeding like crazy "I'm sorry Lauren..." he muttered as he left with Jordan, a napkin collecting the blood from his nose. Now that Nova was gone Felix took the moment to talk to me "Why were you two kissing?" I sighed "Look, he liked me so he kissed me, I-" He cut me off "So you kiss him back, what the hell Lauren?! I thought you liked me....but apparently I was wrong." I looked at Felix bewildered at what he just said. "Leave..." he said trying to keep calm "Felix I-" He pointed towards the door "I said LEAVE!" My eyes began to tear up as I gathered everything I had and headed out the door. I turned back to him "Thanks for not hearing what I have to say" I said coldly tears rushing down my cheeks. Then I walked , in all honesty I didn't know where I was going to go...

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