Game Nights Part 1 of 2

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Felix's POV

I've been pretty busy today with uploading videos and getting the house ready. I'm having a small party for the weekend with some of my YouTube friends, Smosh, Tobuscus, Cryaotic, and TheCreatureHub. Of course the lovely Lauren will be there and everyone's dying to meet her. Tonight I will actually ask Lauren to be mine, since I haven't before. Heading back home I picked a load of snacks, I have a feeling it still won't last. I pulled up into the driveway minutes later and went inside the house. "Lauren!!!" I yelled throughout the house, I figured she was playing Minecraft, it has become one of her latest obsessions. "Yeah!!!" She shouted back after a short pause "I got the snacks!!!" The house went silent so I counted in my head 3...2...1. And here she was standing in front of me looking in the bags "JUNK FOOD!" She was about to grab the chips when I pulled the bags away "No! Bad Piggeh!!" Lauren frowned "But I'm hungryyy" I pushed her buttons more "I DON'T CAAAAAARE. Wait til everyone gets here" She groaned "Ugh, fine" Lauren headed back upstairs to what presume was to play Minecraft. While she was upstairs, I decided I would cook a homemade pizza. After a while everything was done and set up, and I had games and movies ready. I put on a hooded-sweatshirt and a pair of jeans and waited.


Lauren's POV...

I will probably be fangirling the entire time in my mind because I'm subscribed to every single one of them. I took a quick shower and put nice curls at the ends of my hair and let my bang hang on the left side of my face. Going into my closet I dug through the numerous articles of clothing and finally decided on a pair of jeggings and a vest with a denim shirt over the vest. I left the shirt unbuttoned and rolled up the sleeves to my elbows. Then I put on some mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss. Don't judge me for choosing lip gloss over lipstick. After I was satisfied with my look, I ran downstairs practically tripping, and watched tv with Felix while we waited.

*7 pm*

The first to arrive was Tobuscus, then Cry, Smosh, and lastly The Creatures (Only Nova, Kootra, Sly, and Aleks out of all the creatures came). Felix got out the sleep bags and laid them out. "So what do you want to do first video games or movies!" Felix put out the general question. 4 people said video games and 4 people said a movie and Felix said it's up me. Either way we were going to do the other activity the next day it was a weekend party type thingamajig (I'm mad this is a real word in the dictionary LOL :D). I voted on video games and we all agreed. I have to say I was a bit nervous about this because I wanted to make a good first impression. The first game we played was Castle Crashers. Since it was only 4 players per game we rotated after someone died. Nova got pissed off when Cry beat him and got the princess (Sorry if you don't understand what's happening) so he went into a rage, I knew it was supposed to be serious but for some reason whenever James went into one of his famous rages, I always laughed my butt off. Eventually everyone got a turn and we moved onto the next game. We all had our laptops so we played Minecraft Survival Games/Hunger Games. Let me just say I beat everyone's butts. "How could we get beat by a girl?!" Anthony yelled "Maybe I'm just too amazing for you guys" I laughed "No way. We want a rematch!!!" Sly shouted. I shrugged my shoulders just to piss them off more and soon we started another Survival Games. In this one they had frost that closed in on the map and would eventually bring you to the middle of the map. Aleks almost died while trying to get a stone sword out a chest because the frost froze over the house he was in. After a while I decided to just play it cool and relax in a huge tree that took me forever to get to. I camped out on the tree and waited for everyone to kill off each other. In the end four of us were in the death-match round. Felix, Sly, Toby, and I survived and ended up fighting each other. For some reason both Felix and Toby wanted to protect me, while Sly just wanted to win, so it was a bit hilarious to see them arguing instead of killing each other. Eventually all three of them got me annoyed so I planted a bunch of TNT around them, God's knows how they couldn't see that, and all three of them blew up. "Lauren, what the hell?!!" I just died laughing as their facing were fuming, and soon everyone joined in. Felix concluded the night by forcing us all to play Amnesia and Slender and we all pretty much couldn't sleep. After what seemed like 2 hours of trying to sleep I got up and went to the kitchen to get something to drink. As I was facing the counter, drinking water, I heard someone come up beside me.

"Lauren, you can't sleep either"

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