All that Matters

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Felix's POV...

All I could do was stare, I couldn't figure out what to say or do, and I know Lauren didn't know either. "Who is that?!" Marzia spat, I was trying to respond but nothing escaped my mouth "I'm Lauren, nice to finally meet you in person Marzia" Marzia just stared Lauren down in utter disgrace and disgust. "I thought you loved me, why are you with her!" Finally I could choke up an answer "We broke up Marzia, in fact you broke up with me so I can date and kiss who I please!" I don't know where my  sudden boost of courage came from, I figured it was from being in love with Lauren. Marzia couldn't reply she just stood there, her eyes tearing up. "Look Marzia we can still be friends, but we just wouldn't work out..." I turned my head towards Lauren, who held her head low in guilt. I slowly took hold of her hand and squeezed it, she squeezed back. "Bye Marzia..." Was all I said as we got out the car and went into my house. She just stood there in shock. I locked the door behind me and Lauren just went straight up to the bedroom that we shared. Just as I was about to grab a snack from the kitchen my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took hold of it and saw it was Marzia. I accepted the call "Listen Marzia I-" she cut me off "No, you listen here, watch yourself Felix...and Lauren. Soon you will see that you and I are meant to be" with that she hung up. I threw my head back and shoved my cell phone in my pocket. Well one thing is for sure. Protect Lauren at all costs...

Lauren's POV...

I threw myself on our bed and just stared up into space (technically the ceiling).  Minutes later Felix walked in, I was too deep in my own world to notice. He slowly got on top of me (That's what she said LOL) and he put his hands on either side of me. As he started to lean in, I was knocked back into reality. He was about 2 inches away from kissing me, when he stopped. "Lauren, I love you" he said while smiling. I sighed "I love you too...but what about Marzia" I knew this was a risky subject, but we couldn't pretend it never happened. He closed his eyes "Forget about her...I only need you" This made me smile as he opened his eyes and we closed the gap between us. Same feeling from the first time...sparks. His tongue touched my lips, I opened my mouth and he quickly slithered his touch into mine. Our tongues danced in unison, until we pulled apart and just stared into each others eyes. "Hey would you maybe want to do a video with me? I have to upload one and I want you in it." I was not going to turn down this chance "Sure" I said as we grinned while looking into each others eyes. He got up and grabbed my hand "Let's make it now" We went to his office where he had everything set up. And we decided to play Babysitter Bloodbath (Couldn't really think of any other games that he has recently played that are horror). He started it off how he usually does. "H-How's it goin' bros? My name is Peeewdiepie, and I'm here today with my friend Lauren. Say hi to the camera Lauren" I died a bit on the inside when he said friend but I didn't care "Sup bros!" He continued to talk about how we were going to play Babysitter Bloodbath and take turns after the other dies. Soon we got really into the game and I was yelling at my character like she could hear me "Run faster dammit!!" I yelled as the guy was chasing her. Then he got me in a corner and I died. Felix tried and also died. It went back and worth until he won. "Yeah bitch, I'm too fabulous!!!" he shouted at the screen as I died laughing. Then he concluded the video and we both brofisted the screen.


It was around 9 pm and the video finally finished being edited and was uploaded. While Felix was in the shower, I went through the comments. Most of them said "Where's Marzia?" and others said "Who's this chick? I thought you were with Marzia". Some were on a more positive note "That girl is pretty" other comments called me harsh words that I rather not repeat. I didn't let the hate get to me though. As long as I had some people supporting me I was fine with the few hate comments here and there. I checked through my subscriptions and saw that Marzia also put up a new video. It was titled IM GOING TO GET YOU BACK. I clicked on it just as Felix walked in. He scooped over next to me and we watched the video together. She was talking about how a certain "someone" hurt her internally and she was going to get him back. Then she brought me in, saying I don't deserve Felix and how I should leave him alone. I began to cry in the middle of the video without really noticing. Felix paused the video and wiped my tears with his finger "Don't listen to her, you are worth it and you are my everything" hearing his assuring words made me smile. I pulled him into a hug and he kissed me on the cheek. "What would I do without you?" I asked him kinda jokingly "I don't know, you wouldn't be as fabulous" he replied laughing as I punched him playfully in the arm. "Your so weird" I said laughing, he gasped "Why thank you, I thought you'd never notice" We joked around some more and laughed some more, Edgar joined at some time. After a while we got tired and fell asleep cuddled up against each other on the couch...

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