Getting to Know the Real Pewds

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Lauren's POV...

Pewdiepie got his drink and offered for me to sit by him. We took a seat across from each other and just sat there in silence, that weird silence when you first meet someone and don't know what to say. "Soo...what are you doing here in New York?" I asked a bit confused as to why he would be here and not in Sweden or Italy with Marzia. His facial expression changed and I became a bit worried "Sorry if you don't want to talk about it" I said rather quickly, thinking I screwed up everything. "No it's quite alright" he said with a light chuckle, "The truth is, Marzia and I are having trouble in the relationship, so I came here to New York, to get away from it all." he replied looking down at his suitcases. "Enough with my life story, what are you doing at Starbucks, with a book bag filled to capacity, and a shoulder bag that looks extremely heavy?" I bit my lower lip "Well I ran away from home, sort of" this is weird giving out my secrets to a stranger, but then again he isn't much of a stranger if he's Pewdiepie. I shuffled my feet not really wanting to push the subject and he got the idea. "Do you want to stay with me at my hotel?" he offered , I thought about it for a second, I could get away from my mom, but I barely know him, besides videos and stuff. "Sure" I smiled after accepting. "Oh I never got your name!" I chuckled at him "Lauren" I said giggling a bit as he smiled at me."Well we should leave now" and just as he got up a swarm of fan girls came rushing over to him. All begging for photos and autographs, this and that. One of them looked at me with disgust and I just shot it right back as she gasped. He then quickly grabbed my hand and we speed walked out the store. "Let's hurry" he said as I nodded. We got to his car and he opened the door for me "Such a gentleman" I said teasing him. "Yeah, yeah I guess" We drove in a bit of silence as I listened to my music, I could feel him staring at me from the corner of our eyes, we basically were staring at each other. After about a awkward 25 minute drive we pulled up to the hotel, he got me a card for the room, and we headed upstairs. The 3rd floor, room 304, this might be good, staying with Pewds for a while. We finally got to the room and he unlocked the door. I opened it to reveal a pretty big bedroom area, with a king-size bed, a flat screen tv across from it, and in the middle of the bed and flat screen tv was a built in Jacuzzi, this has got to be the best hotel room ever. They had a fridge by the bathroom door, coffee maker, and a huge bowl. "Sorry if you want I can sleep on the sofa" he said, but I really didn't mind. "It's fine" I responded waving it off.

I hopped into the shower and let the hot water flow down my body, I closed my eyes and imagined Felix and I on a date and then Marzia walking in on us. I take really long showers like 30 minute to 45 minute showers. After what I assumed was 35 minutes there was a knock at the bathroom door, "Lauren, are you alive?" I laughed at his weirdness "Yeah!" I decided I had been in the shower long enough and got out. I put on a t-shirt that said Awsome Shirt (From Smosh) and some pajama shorts. I stepped out and received an instant hug from Felix "I thought Slenderman came and kidnapped you" I laughed, he can be so crazy sometimes "I'm fine" I said still laughing and we exchanged smiles. "So wanna watch some tv?" he asked after a while "Sure" I jumped and landed on the bed like a 6 year old on Christmas. Felix came and joined me pulling the sheets over both of us, "I'll order a movie" he said I didn't really care which "Okay, it doesn't matter what it is" I replied. He soon decided on The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, we just sat there watching the movie until I began to get tired, I glanced at the time and realized it was almost midnight "Night Pewds" I spoke drowsily "Call me Felix and Good night" he replied even though I wasn't facing him I could tell he was smiling when he said that. After about 10 minutes of trying to sleep, Felix turned off the lights and turned off the tv. It felt like I would be able to sleep now that everything was off but I still couldn't Damn hotel beds I thought and then Felix's back touched my back, I hear soft snores so I knew he was asleep, so I semi-cuddled with him.

When I woke up we were facing each other and he was staring at me Felix was watching me sleep! Then I tried to stretch my legs and realized my legs were tangled and intertwined in his legs. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I panicked, I was about to get my legs away when his stopped mine "It's okay" he whispered. We stared into each other's eyes, his blue eyes against my hazel ones. Then he leaned in slowly, I started leaning in as well, but his phone went off and ruined the moment. "Ugh" he groaned and went to pick it up "Hello" the person on the other line could be heard pretty clear, they were yelling at him "It doesn't matter" he spoke into the phone "Look Marzia I needed a break!" he shouted it almost scared me "Just leave me alone!" he hung up and threw his phone down on the bedside table. "Sorry about that" he mumbled, I got up and hugged him tightly, he hugged back just the same. I pulled away and gave him a kiss on the cheek "Stay strong Felix" I said with a grin and he gave a weak smile back "Thank you for being here for me Lauren" I blushed slightly but looked away "No problem"

Save the Bro (Pewds x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora