Recoveries and More Drama

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Lauren's POV...

I woke up in a white room, How did I get here and what is this place? My head stirred, trying to remember what had happened. When I could focus I realized I was in a hospital. I looked to my left to see Felix sitting there, holding my hand and sleeping quietly. I smiled to myself and squeezed his hand gently. Just as I was about to get up a doctor walked in "Oh, good your awake!" He exclaimed but then used a soft tone when he realized Felix was asleep. "We would like you to stay a bit longer, just until we know you are completely stable and can move around on your own" he said with a smile. I returned a weak smile and looked back at Felix. "You know he stayed up and didn't sleep at all, he wanted to be there when you woke up, but I guess it was too much for him" The doctor looked at Felix with sympathy. "Exactly how long have I been out?" The way he described Felix's sleep deprived self I was curious "About 5 days" I went wide-eyed 5 days, I've been unconscious for 5 days. Then everything came flooding back what had happened, that caused me to end up here in the first place. "Felix, I'm so sorry" Was all I could say. The doctor walked out giving me a sad expression. Minutes passed by as I just stared at Felix's sleeping form, the bags under his eyes were extremely visible by now. Felix's eyes began to open and he rubbed them harshly, noticing I was awake he rubbed his eyes one more time, probably to see if he was dreaming "Lauren?!" He shouted in excitement as he straggled me in a hug "I'm so happy your okay" I slightly smiled at him. I knew what was coming, he saw me in the bathroom which means he now knows I cut myself. "Soo.." was all he said after all the excitement was over "You know, don't you?" He looked confused, I pointed to my arm and his mouth made an "o" shape "Yeah..." He gave me a weak smile "Don't worry about me, I'm fine" Felix glared at me in disbelief "That's exactly what I said, and you know I wasn't okay, you don't need to lie to me" He did have a point there I couldn't argue, I just sighed "Don't do this to yourself ever again, OK?" His eyes were glistening, mostly from what I assumed was tears "I-I'll try" I couldn't make a promise to him that I will stop, it's not something I can just avoid doing for a whole year without trying. "I'll take that for an answer" He went back to his natural, wide grin. "The doctor said I have to stay maybe a few more hours" I said after awhile "You could go if you want" but on the inside I knew I wanted him to stay "That's okay, I rather stay here with you" he spoke with another huge grin on his face. My stomach had butterflies flying around as he said that. We sat in silence and then he grabbed my hand, giving it a slight squeeze.

Felix's POV...

I stared at Lauren's beauty, I thought about a lot of things. How Marzia said she was sorry and wanted me just to be with her, how I love Lauren, and how I just am trapped. When I held Lauren's hand I had to fight the urge that wanted me to just intensively kiss her. Instead I covered it with a smile. After what I believe was three hours the doctor said Lauren could go. I helped her stand up and assisted her into my car. On the drive home, we were pretty silent, it was kinda of an intense, weird silence. When we reached home I was about to get out when Lauren pulled me back "Felix...?" I looked at her and raised my eyebrow. In that second she gave me a kiss on the lips which I returned. The kiss did not last long when we interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I turned my head to see Marzia standing there, her face fuming. Why does this happen to me?!

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