Chapter 13: Mayhem

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[Emma Alonso]

"No." I grit my teeth.

"Are you sure?" She drawled out in a heavy Russian accent.

"Yes." I stated, quirking up an eyebrow.

"Very well then." She lifted up her pale arm and flicked her wrist in a circle.

At first nothing happened and I was relieved that nothing had occured. Perhaps she was just bluffing of her skills.

Not too later my father's piercing screams filled the air, full of pain and agony.

"Stop! He's my father! You're hurting him!" I pleaded.

"Not good enough." She smirked and flicked her wrist again once again. She relished the sound of my father's pain filled cries.

His screams grew louder and louder, filling the night air.

I chanted a spell under my breath and waited. Nothing happened to my displeasure. I came to a conclusion that my magic wasn't working.

"Still not good enough, dearest daughter. Your powers will not work as long as I am in your presence." She grinned sadistically, showing three rows of sharpened teeth.

"Fine! I'll obey all your commands! You can so what ever you want with me! Just leave my father alone!" I pleaded on my knees, tears streaking down my face.

"Very well. I warned you, Emma. You have no idea what I am capable of." She dropped her pale arm down and my father's screams subsided.

"Okay. I understand." I clenched my teeth together in aggravation.

"Good. Now I want you to summon the evil side of you." She stated.

"W-why?" I asked in fear.

"I can't have you double crossing me. The evil of you will go along with my commands." She smirked. "If you don't, I'll harm your precious Jax."

"Fine." I mouthed the spell in silence and not a minute later, evil Emma was summoned.

Except this time, there wasn't two copies of myself.

"It feels good to be back." Evil Emma smirked. "And this time... I'm the only version of Emma."

The evil and manipulative side of me took over my original body.


Hey guys.

I originally had this chapter done yesterday.

But then my phone froze and the WHOLE chapter was lost.

Any thoughts on what happened in this chapter?


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