Chapter 21: Council

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Svetlana's icy and cold voice whispered with encouragement, "All you have to do is get Jax to take one little bite."

"One little bite and Jax will be yours!" Svetlana continued to whisper.

"Just one little bite." Evil Emma repeated Svetlana's words. "And he will be mine."

//story start//

After 'Emma' had left, Jax's suspicion increased by the second and he came to the conclusion that something had to be done. Emma wasn't acting like herself; she would have never brought up the subject to returning back to his old ways. Usually, Emma would encourage him to follow the path of good instead evil.

He also had to account for the strange aura around her- it wasn't her usual bubbly and friendly one. So, what was wrong with her?

Jax knew that he couldn't possibly figure out what was so different about her by himself. So he did the next thing; he tele-transported to the Witches' Council.

"What is it that you have come here for, Mr. Novoa?" Agamemnon questioned at the young wizard's appearance.

"It's about Emma." Jax replied, his expression turning serious.

"Please elaborate on the subject, Mr. Novoa." Desdemona demanded, flicking her wrist around in a no nonsense manner.

"She has been acting rather strange." Jax began until he was cut off by Desdemona.

"Teenagers do that from what I have observed, Mr. Novoa." Desdemona said in a matter of fact tone.

"Let Jax continue," Lily stated and motioned for Jax to continue speaking.

"It's different, Desdemona. Emma came to me earlier and she brought up the subject of returning back to my old ways." Jax replied, referring to the times of the dark days when he believed in evil instead of good.

"Strange, indeed." Agamemnon replied, his thick eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I agree as well." Desdemona stated.

"Emma would never do such a thing," Lily said, pondering what could have caused a reaction out of Emma so quick.

"I believe that she might be under a spell of some sort," Aggie replied after five minutes of silence.

"Is there anything else you would like to tell us, Jax?" Lily inquired after Aggie spoke.

"A few weeks ago, Emma encountered a hybrid, a witch of some sort." Jax replied.

"And?" Lily urged him to continue.

"I believe that the hybrid was evil," Jax said.

"Just as I suspected," Aggie stated and dismounted from his chair.

"As did I," Desdemona agreed.

"This hybrid of which you speak of is definitely evil," Aggie spoke.

"Emma must have been put under a very powerful spell of which only old and wise witches would know. I believe that whoever his powerful witch is, she was able to summon Emma's alter ego to replace her original form," Lily concluded moments after.

"Thank you for informing us of this matter, Mr. Novoa." Aggie praised Jax for his good acts.

Suddenly, Jax's phone lit up with a text message from none other than 'Emma.' He pressed the screen of his cellphone to be rewarded with a message that read:

Come over and taste some chocolate chip cookies! There fresh out of the oven!


Aggie, Desdemona, and Lily pondered for a minute before coming up with a plan to defeat this unknown force against the Magic Realm and its inhabitants.

"Tell her that you will be there," Lily stated as Jax began to type a message back to Emma on his cellphone.

To: Emma

I'll be right there. Save some for me.


"The plan will begin," Jax smirked, feeling accomplished with the fact that they were going to get the real Emma back.


Three days in a row!

Thanks for reading,

-Lil. :D

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