Chapter 5: Enemy

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[Emma Alonso]

Eating cereal the following day, my phone gave a chime, signifying that I had a text message. Quickly looking at the screen, a small smile formed on my lips.

Want a ride?

I quickly texted back 'yes' and in less than a minute, Jax tele-transported into the kitchen, giving me a heart attack.

"Jax, you scared me!" I put my red hand over my rapidly thudding chest.

"Sorry about that, E. Ready to go?" He apologized with a sincere smile.

"Yep!" I chirped as Jax led me out to his motorcycle.

"Hold on, E." He smirked and guided my arms against his waist. As he sped off with tremendous speed, I was glad that he couldn't see my face the color of a tomato.

"Isn't this great, E?" He shouted over the harsh wind.

"Great? It's awesome! I love the feeling of the air against my skin. For the first time in my life, I feel alive." I spoke excitedly.

"I'm glad you feel that way E." He shouted against the wind. No doubt about it- I could imagine the proud smirk on his face.

In less than twenty minutes,Jax slowed down as we approached Iridium High. He got off his motorcycle first and with his help, I got off as well.

"That was awesome! Thanks for the ride, Jax." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist, giving him a hug.

"It wasn't a problem. We should do that again another time, E." He rested his head on the top of mine.

"Yeah we should." I agreed.

We barely made ten steps when we were greeted by Gigi who was sporting her signature camera.

"With Daniel Miller gone, I smell a romance between Jax Novoa, Iridium High's bad boy and Emma Alonso, the principal's daughter. This is Miss Information reporting live at Iridium High." Gigi spoke and flashed her camera a wide smile.

"Gigi, is that really necessary?" Jax asked in his Australian accent with his arms crossed against his chest.

"Well of course it is! Without Miss Information, where would all the gossip be? Besides, you should be glad that I announced that Daniel was gone and that you guys were seen together. Now the whole male population knows that Emma's yours." She raised an eyebrow at him in defiance.

I could feel the anger slowly radiate off of Jax as a result of Gigi's comment.

"Gigi-" Jax growled but I cut him off before he could continue.

"Let's go Jax, we don't want to be late for our first class." I pleaded and relaxed when Jax walked off towards our next class.

"Did you guys see that? Looks like Emma is the key to Jax's heart." Gigi winked at the camera and smiled.


The day passed by quickly and when Jax and I were about to leave school, we were confronted by Maddie Van Pelt and her best friends.

"Looks like you already have Jax wrapped around your little finger." Maddie gave me an unfriendly smile and Katie and Sophie laughed behind her.

"Maddie." Jax warned through clenched teeth.

"And what would Daniel say, Emma? Remember him? He's your ex-boyfriend. It's quite funny actually how you were able to move on so fast. You threw him away like a used tissue." Maddie grinned sadistically and my eyes watered at her words.

"It's surprising how you could stoop so low, Maddie. It's no wonder why Daniel broke up with you when he met Emma." Jax smirked.

"You have no right to say that!" Maddie screeched.

Jax let out a satisfied chuckle at Maddie's red face which was full of anger.

"Let's go Jax." I whispered with silent tears streaming down my face.

"You go on and wait for me at my motorcycle, E. I'll be there in a minute." He gave me a concerned look and ushered me in the direction of his motorcycle.

I nodded and began to walk across the parking lot but not before I heard Jax's last words.

"You better watch out, Maddie Van Pelt. Your considered an enemy to me now." Without looking at his face, I knew that Jax had a full blown smirk decorating his face.


Hey guys! I'm sorry if this chapter really sucks. I'm not feeling the writing mood but I thought 'what the heck' let me give the readers an update. So sorry if this chapter was not that exciting.

I have a slight question for you guys. Do you prefer a few curse words here and there or none at all? I'm asking for your guys' opinion because we're all writing this book together. I want you guys to have a say in what you want in this book.

Thanks and have a wonderful day/night depending on where you live.


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