The Story of me getting Lost.

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I sat in the great hall as McGonagall said her last words of the opening speech and then the food appeared onto the table.  I grip my fork tighter in my hand as I watch James Potter and his crew in the middle of the table. They're laughing, and smirking, as they pass around a small piece of cottony material. 

Also known as-MY THONG

James tosses it to my brother who practically slaps it over to Albus, who takes it lovingly into his hands. He admires every detail, Merlin. I at least thought little Potter had more class. Fred now snatches it from his hands and puts it on his head like a hat. They all laugh loudly attracting even more attention.

If I wasn't already fuming I was now. I was about to rip out James Potters insides and tie him up by his intestines. All 90's horror movie style. Was that a little too dark? Elliot Wood takes the thong from Freds head and uses it as a slingshot to fire it at Scorp. 

I changed my mind, what I said wasn't dark enough.

My poor little bro looks like he is about to cry. I feel bad for him for about a second before he looks over at me in disgust and throws the thong back at James who slips it carefully back into his pocket. 

Oh my! How nice it is to know he's taking good care of it. Hence the sarcasm.

The three of my friends came over to the Gryffindor table, because I think they feared I would attack James as soon as I saw him. People had become so accustomed to having Wotters from the other houses come sit at our table, that I think my friends sitting here didn't bother them.  

Bea pats my back as she takes a bite of red gelatin, "Stop staring like you're crazy, it'll give away the illusion." She laughs and slurps another piece of jello. 

"I say we just go pummel him right now, muggle style." Layla pipes after taking a sip from her goblet. 

"I agree." I growl cracking my knuckles and standing up from my seat. Liz forcefully pulls me back down and gives me a stern look. 

"What did I say? We make a plan of attack.. One that will ruin his precious reputation. We can't act too soon or we'll all be caught." Liz remarks knowingly.

I mean, she right, but I don't want to admit that. 

Here's the thing about Liz, she's unknowingly smart, like really, really smart.. She just doesn't notice it.

I do. Sure, half the time she's making out with some new douchebag, but the other half she's with us, being a dork, and secretly smart.  

I reach forward and grab a chicken leg forcefully pulling it back and taking a large bite. I stare at the wall in front of me, trying to plan the perfect murder in my head. Gloves, yes, I'll need gloves.. A muggle gun, that'll do nicely, oh and a-

"Andromeda, I need to talk to you. Now." Scorp scolds as he walks past me with Albus plastered to his side. 

Oh no, he called me by my real name, this can't and won't be good. 

"My master calls." I groan as I swing my legs around the table and walk as slow as I can to the boys who are waiting at the main door for me, impatiently, may I add. 

Scorp leaned against the nearest wall, tapping his foot, and Albus was just staring at me with smolder that could melt a girls panties off. 

But, he's already held mine. So what's the use?

I couldn't help but notice, but from the moment I got up James eyes followed me all the way to the door. It was a penetrating look, and made me feel rather uncomfortable. Someone needs to give these Wotter boys a lesson on staring etiquette.

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