The Story of Minerva McGonnagal

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Disclaimer: Nothing you recognize is mine. Especially Evil Knievel. 

I storm through the corridors, pushing past lost first years and a few angry looking 7th's. I storm up the grand staircase, hopping over the trick steps. I pull a hand up to quickly wipe the tear that's falling from my face. The paintings stare, who knew a painting could be so judgemental. I'll be the talk of the staircase. 

Why was happy go lucky Andy, crying?

Her strange friends getting her down?

Did she finally get a boyfriend, and he broke up with her so soon.

I can picture it now. Damn, I must be a seer. 

I wait for the staircase to without haste,  move over to where I need it to be. I rush up to the fat lady, the tears drying in streaks on my face, she looks at me like I'm a wounded puppy. 

"Fudge Flies!" I shout at her after a short staring session in which she and I both said nothing. Usually the fat lady and I have a nice talk, catch up on gossip. I just was not in the mood for that. 

"Well I never." She shrieks as she lets the door swing open to me. 

The common room is empty, it's dead silent. No quills scratching on parchment, no first years being first years. Although I can't blame them, we were all in their awkward situation once. Not knowing what to do, or how to handle being a wizard. It's overwhelming. 

The worse part for me now, is the fact that I am magic I have this special blood pumping through my veins. It can transport me places in the blink of an eye, let me fly on brooms, turn an animal into a cup.. Yet, I can't save my mother. 

I take in the silence for another moment before I let it out again. The tears start pouring and I drop myself onto the floor, curling into a ball. The letter from dad still clutched in one hand and the other arm wrapped around my body, pretending like it was someone that cared. 

Being sad comes in waves, at that second I was hysterical, now I'm just angry. I stand up and run to the nearest wall. I kick it with all my might and then slam my fist into it. My knuckles are stained with either red paint, or my blood. Who knows, who cares. I kick a trashcan and it goes flying across the room. 

"God dammit!" I yell, sinking back onto the floor and taking my face into my hands. I lean over and just lay down. Letting the tears fall, the anger subsides. I lay there for a while, I don't know how long, but a while. Until there's no tears left. Just a five foot two girl lying like a loser on the floor. 

I pull myself up to a desk, take out a quill and a piece of parchment. So I write, to my mom. 

Hi mommy, 

Dad told me the news.. And well, you know how he is with news. I hope he's over exaggerating, because mom, I don't know what Iwould do without you. Your well, you're my mommy. Sure, I'm use to you being sick, but not dead. I love you, mom. And I know.. I know like I know the sky's blue, that you're going to make it. So pull through, don't let it get you down and know that I'm here for you. Always. 

With love forever, 


Just writing that down, makes me feel a hundred times better. We've had scares like this before, and she's gotten better. Maybe it'll be the same. No, I know it will be the same. She won't leave, she can't. Not while Scorp and I are still around. 

I fold the letter up and package it in a pretty pink envelope. That's her favorite color. She just loves pink. 

I scoot the chair back, so I can leave to go to the owlery when the common room door swings open. Revealing, my brother. He stands in front of me with a look that combines, hate, sorrow, and love. Just seeing him makes me choke up. 

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