The Story of the Boys Dormitory

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Hey all! Sorry for the five month delay.. I'm back at it and ready to pick up with this story! If it seems a little confusing that's becuase I wrote it piece by piece these last five months. Talk about writers block! Anyways, sorry for any mistakes and funky formatting! Enjoy.


Chapter 8: The Story of the Boys Dormitory




All these things are so intertwined, and I don't understand why or how. I can see that somehow Alex was being an idiot and got mixed up in Parkinson's business, like James..But how does Lestrange play into it?

A few days had passed, and I have taken to wandering the corridors. I've done this every evening since Alex's situation, which was two days. Plus today, which is Sunday. Good old sunday, eh? I've been waiting painfully to get a response from my mother.

I stumble over myself and twist in a strange direction, the level of intoxication overwhelming my senses, making every step like a bee without a flower to pollinate. Wrong. Every time a prefect or teacher gets close I hide behind the nearest tapestry, or suit of armor. My small frame allows me to do so easily. At the moment I'm lucky not to break a toe.

Liz went up to Alex's dorm and took his whole supply of booze saying that he'll understand we need it. Butterbeer laced with Firewhiskey is whats got me so worked up. I'm becoming so tipsy, that I don't know left from down and up from right.

I let out a squeaky hiccup that echoes down the corridor. I fall onto the floor in front of another suit of armor and begin to giggle up at it.

"You know Mr. Knight in-" I lazily glanced at his dusty armor, "Dirty Armor, why do bad things happen to such good people?"

He stares back at me with such an uncaring face that anger begins to boil within me, "I didn't need to talk to a no good suit of armor anyways," Before the sane side of myself has a say my intoxicated self swings her foot forward and knocks the Knight right over with a BANG loud enough to wake the whole castle.

I may be drunk, but the intelligence in me is good enough to know to get the heck out of there! I bounce to my feet and jolt down the corridor in a flash of blonde hair. I turn left and right, maybe up and down, I'm not really sure. I finally slow down and begin to pant at will into the air.

The sudden run causes me regret as my eyelids begin to droop. I unwrap the jacket from around my waist and lay it out on the floor. I think very hard of a transfiguration spell I could use to turn it into a blanket, I come up short. I crawl behind a statue of a very pointed looking Witch and drape the jacket over my torso. Goodnight world and may your night be filled with happiness and dreams of ice-cream.

My eyelids slowly come together and darkness fills my brain with silence.

You see I'm named after my Great Aunt Andromeda. My family is a little messed up if you haven't already gathered that. My Grandma Narcissa has two sisters, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Andromeda Tonks. Bellatrix was killed during the war. When my Grandparents, and my father had nowhere left to go after the war, my Aunt Andromeda took them in.

After years of being shunned and outcast by the family she found forgiveness in her heart to allow my family stay with her. The type of person you have to be to allow that.. Brave. She provided food, shelter, and clothes for them. After all the years of being estranged from her sisters, she showed mercy. Showing mercy and forgiveness is what defines real bravery.

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