The Epilogue

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Damian's POV

1 year later...

I was walking home with Troy on his last day of school for the year. He preferred me picking him up from school on foot rather than by car because of the "quality time" we got to have together. I couldn't believe how much he had grown. He was now in 9th grade and was in the top 10 in his class. He knew how to defend himself too, I had explained to him how different his life would be considering the fact that his father is part of the LGBTQI+ community and how much other kids would make fun of him or bully him but he took it like a champ. Whenever he got bullied I'd get called to the school not because he's hurt but because his strong vocabulary made the bully cry, I know I shouldn't be encouraging such behaviour but can you blame me? The child was doing things I could only imagine doing at his age. I adored Troy so much, he was really the better version of his father and myself combined. He knew kindness, compassion and understanding like it was his first nature and I was proud of Kyle and myself for raising a child like him.

We had just finished playing at the park and were now on our way to the house


"Yes son?"

"When are you gonna have another boyfriend?" This question shocked me to my core, I didn't think Troy cared or wanted me to have a significant other

"Why do you ask my boy?"

"Well me and my friends were having a harmless talk about you when you dropped me off this morning and something Malia said made me think hard."

"What did Malia say?"

"She said her uncle was finally happily married to the man of his dreams and living his best life. Then she asked me why you weren't married or dating anyone?"

"What is her uncle? And what did you say?"

"She said her uncle is Bi, anyway I told her about Dad and how much you loved him. She said she understood but she asked if maybe you should start moving forward as that's something dad would've wanted for you."

" I'm glad you had it as a harmless conversation but there is some things in the adult life that you children are not expected to understand okay?"

"Dad come on it's 2020, we have to start being understanding if we want world peace." sometimes the way he spoke made me think that his father's spirirt was within him

"Fine I'll give you an answer, I've healed. I know how much your father loved me and that he would've prefered to see me move on and also live my best life but understand this, I don't want to act unruly and just start bringing home different people. I don't support such behaviour because you are around and I'm supposed to be one of your role models. Unruly behaviour isn't living your best life, it's destroying it. One day maybe I will find someone new but they are going to have to accept me for who I am and everything I come with, until that day comes it's just you and me bud." I said bringing him into a side hug messing up his hair.

"Daad stop itt" he said giggling " I completely understand Dad. I also want you to know that I give you a green light. I know no one will ever replace Daddy but I know that he wants you to be happy and I will be happy when you are."

"Thank you my boy, what do you say we go for FroYo after you finish your homework?"

"Awesome! then can I start planning for the new year's celebartion?"

"That's still 3 weeks away"

"Daad pleaaase!"

"Okay fine" I said as we walked into the house

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