Chapter 5: A snake's on the loose (Part 2)

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Victoria's POV

As soon as we arrived at Damian's residence we were extremely exhausted. It didn't sink in that my son just died until I sat down with my grandson on my lap. Damian turned into a robot and locked himself in his room. The mood in the house was dark and heavy. I held back my tears just for my grandson. He thought his father had gone to sleep and was going to return home tonight. Before I could start explaining the truth to him, a loud crash followed by histerical cries could be heard coming from Damian's room. I shed a tear at the thought of Damian's mental state.

"Corey, could you please go comfort him?"
"No, could you go please? I can't face Damian knowing I failed to keep our son safe." he said with pain in his voice
"You didn- uh okay. Troy my baby, go sit with your grandfather. I'll go check on your father." I said before heading upstairs going to check on Damian.

"Damian honey can you please open the door? I know it's hard right now but you can't lock yourself away" I said as I continuously knocked on the door
"L-l-l-leave me al-l-lone, I can't do this on my own. What am I going to do now huh? The world could never defeat us when we were together. N-n-n-now they gonna come for me and eat me alive!"he screamed as he threw something else on the floor
"Honey me, Corey and Troy will be here no matter what. Even though this is happening we won't leave. We are your family."

Call it denial but I didn't come to terms with today's events. I had an idea that my son would come running through the door and hug me but that wasn't happening anytime soon.

Third person POV

Damian sat on the edge of his bed crying his heart out. Victoria had left him after trying her best to console him. He had broken wine glasses that were supposed to be used the night Kyle was going to get engaged. His hands and clothing were damp from the tears he had be shedding the past few hours. As he sat looking at the picture he and Kyle took the day he got the promise ring, someone came in through the balcony

"Hey heyyy it's okay it's just me." Corey said as he slowly neared Damian before sittng down next to him
"How did you get in here?" Damian asked as he stared blankly at the picture
"I had to climb on top of the dustbin, then I used the balcony fence to lift me up. Anyway that's not why I'm here, Victoria is worried about you. She wants you to join us downstairs for dinner. Plus, Troy won't stop asking about you. He already lost his dad, I won't let him loose another." he said as he held Damian's hand before Damian looked at him with walls of tears in his eyes.

Corey embraced Damian in a full hug as Damain criedd into his chest
"Im so sorry. He shouldn't have gotten with me and he would still be here today ." he said inbetween sobbs, Corey wanted to cry in frustration but he just shed a tear for Damian's sake
"It's okay my boy, it isn't your fault. It's that doctor and your step-father who are responsible for this." he said as he consoled him "Now what I want you to do is go take a shower, get into something comfortable and come downstairs so we can have dinner okay?" Damian nodded "Okay I'm going to go now, and I'm taking the keys with me just in case you decide to lock yourself inside here again."
"Okay, I'll be there in 15" Damian said as Corey left his room

Damian's POV

After a long and needed shower I was now headed downstairs to have dinner with my family. I had bawled my eyes out to the point I couldn't breathe. Now I had to stay strong for the family. As we sat eating at the dinner table Troy popped a heartbreaking question.

"Daddy, when is my other Daddy coming back?" Victoria's eyes began to water as we all looked at each other with a painful look.
I sighed "Troy my baby, you remember when Daddy said goodbye to you at the hospital?" I asked him as he came to sit on my lap before he nodded " He was saying goodbye forever, he's not coming home. God called him home."

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