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5 years ago:


I could hear the new girl crying, she had been used rough, and not much different than my first time here... and the same woman who helped me, was helping her. I didn't get in her way, she cleaned her up, told her that she might bleed the next could of days, that it was normal, and soon she would get used to it.

I had been here... used goods, taking hits that they offered me so I wouldn't cry my eyes out, wouldn't feel all that they do it me... and it was getting to be at the stage where I almost wanted to pretend I was enjoying myself. When I stopped being high the thought of enjoying it made my stomach roll, but while high... it was enough to make me giggle

I knew the men were out for the night, no one coming in here, so I walked into the bathroom sat down and started to run my fingers through my hair. I was getting ready to use the shower when I heard someone start talking, a man.

I poked my head out and saw that it was a guy with a big bag in his hand. I watched as he opened up the bag and started to toss clean clothes at us.

I looked at the girls who were shoving their legs in, and he looked up at me and pulled out a pair of leggings and a clean baggy shirt. It looked like something he would wear... and he walked closer to me. "Put this on, you're all leaving." He told me and I just took the clothes. He nodded and I moved to step into the leggings, they were a little long for my ankles but they were keeping part of my feet warm.

I looked at the guy as he moved to wake up some of the girls drifting off to sleep. There was only 8 of us, and he had the same little chapter name and location on the back of his vest. I had never seen him before, not even high. He was either new or he didn't use us.

He was kind of good looking, he wouldn't have to use us. He was tall, dark hair that had a bit of curl to it, his eyes were dark, he had broad shoulders... he had a soft way of talking to us. none of the girl seemed like they were scared of him, he had this entire presence that didn't shout.... cower before me.

I almost giggled and turned it cover my mouth. I was high, the high was definitely kicking in... and soon I would be asleep. If he was really getting us out of here... then he better work fast. I had my hits, I did my work for the men tonight... I needed sleep.

Some of the other girls seemed to feel the same way, getting nice and warm in the clothes he had given us I saw Chrissy take a nod off before he touched her foot and woke her back up. "Sleep when we get tot he car. We need to go now." He told her and she sighed, looked ready to tell him off before she looked around. I grabbed her arm, kept her with me as he started to get the rest of us up and out the door.

There was a van out front, running, there wasn't a single bike in sight... I knew weren't in their little club house... I was there the first night before I woke up here. Once we were used we would be put in this place, watched over night and day so we didn't get out, hooked on the heroin they gave us... and none of us really tried to leave past a month being here.

Even if I did get out... who would I run to? No one was looking for me.

I got int he back of a van, thinking how dub it would be if he was pretending and just moving us to a bigger place... I kept my giggle in again... getting comfortable on the carpet that was in the back and falling asleep.

I wasn't sure how long we were in the car. I woke up needing a fix, and we were still driving.  I felt needy, getting a bit emotional, and so were the other girls. I had to keep reminding myself that the was taking us somewhere, he said safe.. but we were being moved. I couldn't  get mad at him, I didn't want to be left in the middle of a dessert or something.

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