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I was two hours into my shift when it actually started to become busy. I was rushing, smiling, sweet talking, and I was thankfully tipped well being one of the only waitresses working. I had to skip my first break and when one of the cooks noticed that I wasn't planning on taking my lunch yet he shouted for Marcus.

"She's trying to get out of taking her half day break when she didn't take her first on." He told Marcus and I sighed. I wasn't trying to get out of it so much as I'd rather have tips for great service and then eat then try and do both.

"Esmerelda I need you to take your break now. I'll cover the tables you still need to wait on, give me the run down." He urged and I looked out and saw 5 tables still needing their food.

"Ok, table 4, French toast with strawberries on the side not on top, extra syrup, he wanted decaf all morning. Table 5 it was two garbage omelets, she wanted no mushrooms on the left. Both have regular coffee." I told him the family table on 6 ordered 8 plates but I makes the three they're taking home so it should be boxed up and made later. I went through the other two tables and he nodded before setting off to see if any of the orders were up. He surprised me by taking three plates at once and didn't drop a thing.

"You... eat." I heard the cook behind me and I turned to see my regular pancake over easy eggs and sourdough toast waiting for me.

"Thank you." I told him before digging in. I was almost done when I saw some people leave after paying and they waved to me. I felt a little confused but waved back before they were fully out the door. Usually it was just the sweet little kids who would wave at me from the register because they had seen me their entire time here.

A group of grown men waving was... weird. I turned back to my plate and I heard Marcus call out an order to the chefs and he came to see if I had eaten everything.

"Travis should get here later, if you can take his order and just send him back to me that would be perfect." He told me and I nodded, the heads up would make sure I didn't get all clumsy and spill coffee again.

"Ok. I can bring him back and get both orders." I told him and he smiled before looking around. No one else had come in, we're good for the morning and it would just be those who have lunch to go next. We didn't get as busy for lunch orders as we did for morning rush but it was enough to keep people coming back.

It was just before 3 when Travis finally pulled up. I heard his motorcycle before I realized it could be him. I had been relaxing in a booth since there was no one in the place, and I was up and getting my pen out of my hair. He walked in and looked around before seeing me and giving me a small smile.

"No coffee spills today?"

"Nope, Marcus wanted me to take you back and get you to order something." I told him as I reached in and pulled my order pad out.

"What do you eat?" He asked and I rattled off what I had this morning and he nodded. "Sounds good to me."

"Coffee? Decaf?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Just regular, with two things of creamer."

"Ok, anything else?"

"A date." He smirked and I blinked before realizing that must have been a question.

"With?" Me?

"You." He stopped walking with me and I turned and swallowed as I looked up at him and he moved in a bit, getting closer and I started breathing hard.

"I don't really have days off, two jobs and all, I get my second schedule today." I looked from his eyes who seemed to be pulling me in to his lips that were just slightly open and I could see his tongue swiping out to lick just the inside of his lips before he rolled them together.

Esmerelda (A Razorback MC Novella)Where stories live. Discover now