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I had the coffee cups in one hand, three on my fingers, and the pot in my other hand. I set the cups down, started filling it, smiled at the kid who was looking for his hot chocolate like it was going to fall out of my ear.

 "I will be right back with your hot chocolate." I told him and he nodded and looked around. I turned back around, heading to the counter, and I just was putting the whipped cream on it when I heard someone ask for a menu. "Yeah, give me two seconds." I told them before putting the can back, putting the small cup in my hand carefully. I went to the side of the counter, turning as I grabbed one of the menus.

I had it in my hand and as soon as I turned and hand it over, but I lost it for a second, spilled it down the front, the apron got most of it but it slid down my leg as well making me hiss. I was barely able to look at the man. He was the same one I had thought about for years... the same one that got me out of the shit hole and into rehab with Chrissy and Sofia. He barely looked my way when I hissed, and then he looked down. 

I set the small cup down, going for a napkin when some were tossed down on the counter in front of me. "Thanks." He took the menu I had set down after putting the napkins closer to me. I gulped, gabbed them, rubbed at my leg, and then grabbed the  hot chocolate, settled it and walked as I cleaned it up. I set it down for the boy and paused to take their orders, all of it was quick things from the kitchen so I told them it was going to be out fast and turned to put it in.

It was later in the morning, so while I was the only waitress in, at the top of the hour I would have Celia in here with me, she was a new girl, and I would train her on some stuff that she hasn't learned yet.

I counted down the minutes until I saw the guy at the counter... the guy who rescued me look around. "Hi, sorry about that, are you ready to order?" I heard my voice going up to the highest tone in my waitress voice and I gulped.

"Just a coffee and a house waffle with bacon and soft scrambled eggs." He told me and I nodded, I grabbed a coffee cup from under and the freshest pot and gave him enough.

"Do you need fresh creamer?" I asked knowing that most of the flavors were out of the small cup holding the creamer.

"No, thank you." He told me and I gulped and licked my lips before looking to the counter and seeing the other tables things almost all up there, but there was enough for me to take a set now, and when the others were done I would take them right over. As I walked back and waited for the last plate I made sure to write out the guys order, shout it into the kitchen. I got the fourth plate, headed over, and I smiled and asked if they needed anything else while I was there.

Facing the counter I saw him drinking his coffee and tipping it farther so he could finish the cup so I moved in. "Another?" I asked him and he nodded before looking at me. "Did you need something?"

"I was supposed to meet someone who works for this place, but I guess he's late." He told me, I felt a little confused, the only guy here was the cooks or Marcus.

"What's his name he might be in the back." I told him as I filled his cup up.

"Marcus." He nodded slowly and looked around like he was cagey and I just nodded.

"I will go tell him... what's your name?" I asked, needing to know it, he had saved me, saved Chrissy and Sofia... the guy who I would never be able to thank enough.

"Travis." He told me and I nodded before heading over to the back hallway where his office and the bathrooms were. 

I knocked on the door and heard Marcus' call to come in. "Hey, your friend, Travis, he's here and waiting." I told him and gulped. He nodded slowly and finished something on his computer before standing  up.

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