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Travis' Pov:

She slid the helmet on and put one hand between her legs so the skirt wouldn't rise and she made sure to sit on it so the wind wouldn't make it float either.

"Ready," I asked her and she shifted a bit until she was against my back and she nodded before putting her arms around me. I revved the engine, keeping my feet down and pulling out away from Marcus' bike, and then I putted to the driveway. Looking out I took a breath and hit the pedal so we were taking off down the street. She has told me where to go, but I was still making her go for a ride.

I took the back streets, getting closer to the nice side of town where there were more trees and birds and flowers to look at. I stopped at a red light and felt her relax against me before I had to take off. She didn't seem too upset about not going home right away so I kept going. I circled a nice size park and saw some kids and pulled over.

"What are we doing here?" She asked as if this was my plan.

"Relaxing. Let's take a walk." I took off my helmet and helped her off the bike so her skirt didn't rise at all.

"This is a nice place." She whispered and she looked over and saw some kids running on some open grass with a soccer ball.

"So it is." I reached for her hand and she let me take it, and I led her to the little path. We walked down and around and hit some more trees and a bench looking at the... I guess it was a rose garden.

"They're so pretty, they must get a lot of water." She tilted her head and leaned over to smell a white rose.

"How can you tell?"

"My nonna, my grandma, when I was little..." she took a breath and then smiled slowly, "she used to have bunches of bushes like this in her front yard. I spent a lot of time there and she would water them every other day and there were so many flower until winter kind of took them out." She told me and I nodded seeing a lot of flowers on each bush.

"Did she raise you?" I asked hoping she had a good childhood until she met one of my old club mates."

"No. Just watched me in the summers and sometimes after school. My mom had the displeasure of raising me. My nonna died when I was 9, maybe 10. It was worse after that." She told me and then she sighed and shook her head.

I leaned over and pulled my knife out, putting it at the stem of one of the smaller roses I cut it long enough for her to hold with one hand. I took the thorns off and offered it out.

"Thanks." She lifted it up again, closing her eyes and she smelled it, and I didn't get why it was a good smell, it smelled like pollen to me, but I'd she liked it, I'd make sure to get her more for our real date.

"What else did you do with your nonna?" I wanted her to be on a happy memory lane.

"Well, she taught me to cook a bit, my ABCs and numbers and she was helping me read and dance." She laughed as if something funny stuck out in her mind.

"Sounds like a woman of many talents." I said and she nodded before sighing.

"She told me that if I ever wanted a husband I wouldn't do all the hip hop moves and try and spin on my head or whatever kids were doing these days..." she laughed again and I smiled seeing her laugh. "She taught me how to waltz and tango and salsa dance... she also... for fun, taught me the cancan girl dance." She laughed and looked around to see if anyone was there to see. She pulled back and started to kick her leg high and then the other as she counted aloud before laughing really hard. I couldn't keep the smile off my face at her giggles.

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