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I just want to thank you all for being patient with me. My mom passed away late April and it's been hard to find motivation to write, let alone get out of bed... I've been going to work and coming home and sleeping while eating in between and today... let's just say I had a sign and felt like writing a bit... hope you like the chapter.


Esmerelda POV:

I looked around, knowing that this was supposed to be a mingle thing after the talking part, we were supposed to try and be sponsors and stuff like that for anyone that seems open to the idea. I looked around, there were some older women here, none our age, and it was a little hard to take advice from a younger person.

I grabbed the coffee cups and looked around one more time before getting to the coffee pot and moving to fill it up. It was half full when I heard someone's throat clear just behind me. I steeled my hand and turned and smiled at Travis.

"Coffee?" I asked him knowing I could grab another cup if he said yes.

"If you are a waitress here as well." He teased and then showed his own cup since he was waiting. "I do have a question..."

"Ask away." After what I shared I could do with a few questions.

"Why are you nervous around me?" He asked and I gulped and pulled away from the coffee and let him get some.

"I recognized you right away... Who would forget someone who saved them. But you looked at me like I wasn't important so it was like a made up fairy tale... and I didn't want to blurt out a thank you... or something. Not to mention you're still apart of the same club that did that... to us." I looked around and he nodded slowly and looked around as well.

"This chapter is nothing like that one. The men here are better men even if you don't know them all." He told me and I just nodded and looked for the creamer.

"Can't be too hard to be better. I knew Marcus the second he walked in too, he never used us but I saw him once when he tried to save me." I told him and shrugged. He got me to an ER the second day they kept me in the club house. I was moved when they found me and locked with the others and I am not sure he ever knew that.

The only two men who never hurt me are back in my life and as the thought came to me I had to giggle before shaking my head. I guess I should start my thank you's to them.

"I want to thank you. I'd be dead or still using if you hadn't brought me and the others here. Not one part of my life was easy... but you and Marcus gave me help even when I thought I didn't need it or deserve it. It's kind of my awakening or eye opening..." I trailed off and he nodded and looked over my face before he looked around.

"You don't have to thank me for doing something that was right." He told me and I just laughed.

"You're kidding right? You had no obligation to help us, but you did, and you helped all of us." I told him outright, he wasn't going to get out of this... and now that I have realized it, neither was Marcus. I was going to thank him and make him cookies or something.

It wasn't long until he was called away, asked to do something for someone and he smiled at me as he left. It wasn't awkward, but we were just done with talking. 

I headed to work at 2pm and walked in the diner and smiled as I looked around before getting right into the groove of things and worked the night shift, closing and then getting home.

Someone, at the house we were renting, made dinner and set my plate in the microwave. I took out the fork and hit 2 minutes before going to take off my shoes, my socks, and a set out a change of clothes.

Esmerelda (A Razorback MC Novella)Where stories live. Discover now