3. Norge- His words from afar.

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 The snowflakes fluttered on to the ground, creating mass sheets of pure white. The streets were almost deserted, a few cars still moved through, their tires screeching from the glazed ice.

  Along the sidewalk walked two boys. One was ahead while the other struggled in the back, his foot sinking in the snow every so often getting stuck. Hauling his leg out from the biting snow for the hundredth time he stumbled, falling flat first on his face.


 He yelped as he lifted his head from the snow, his cheeks were burning red and his fingers were numb and purple. The first boy he noticed had turned and began heading towards his direction. He walked through the snow effortlessly, one leg up then one leg down. He was shorter than him too.


The boy was standing above him now. Matthias sat up. His scarf was loosely draped across his shoulders, his book bag he realized was puking up his homework, the stupid zipper was broken again.


  His voice was soft, but more surprised for the other boy's actions; he never turned back for him. Unlike Matthias, Lukas had his scarf neatly tucked around his neck, the strap of his messenger bag snugged on his shoulder. He wasn't looking at him, his violet eyes focused on the sky above them, watching the gentle snowflakes flurry down. Matthias stood up next to him; he couldn't help but to stick out his tongue.

   "Matthias." Lukas repeated.


 Matthias asked feeling a snowflake melt in his tongue, along with a few others that kissed his cheeks; they shimmered like crystals on his ruffled hair.

   "Why are you always saying that we're best friends?"

 He was facing him now; his cheeks lightly tinted pink.

 "Well because we are."

  Matthias grinned, showing off the empty bottom spaces of where his teeth used to be. He was growing into a man his mor had told him, and he can already feel one of his top teeth beginning to wobble.

  Lukas didn't say anything, instead he reached inside his bag shuffling through, he pulled something out and offered it to Matthias.


Matthias looked down at his cupped hands and saw a pair of black gloves. He took them tentatively from his hands, feeling the fabric.

   "Quit staring at them and put them on already."

Lukas snapped.

Sliding his stiff fingers in the slots Matthias flexed them, feeling the comfort warm his fingertips, looking up at Lukas he smiled.

 "Thank you!"

  He ran up to him arms wide, Lukas preparing himself for the sudden attack grabbed his arm in a swift movement as he pinned his wrist against his back.

 "Ow ow ow, Lukas! That hurts!"

" You're really annoying to deal with. "

Matthias suddenly started laughing, his animated giggles filled the empty air.

  "Vhat are you laughing for?"

Lukas asked still gripping his wrist.

"Because. That's why we're best friends.  

You can deal with me."


   "You can deal with me"

Those words now, echoed faintly in the back of Lukas's mind.

Brushing his hair back, he clipped his barrette in place, releasing a grieving sigh.

Why remember such a distant memory now?

He sat, rested on the bumper of the ambulance. His leg was wrapped in thick layers of white bandages, the pool of dark crimson soaked through the cloth. He watched as firefighters rushed inside still extinguishing the blazing flames that licked the walls, burning the plaster to charcoal and debris. Officers that were bloodied and heavily injured were immediately rushed to the hospital, while the others with a few minor wounds remained to help.

The air was freezing more than ever, he was used to the freezing temperatures but since it was America and not Norway, it was unusual weather.

Icy raindrops pelted his face; there wasn't a single fluff or flutter of snow, just frigid landing of ice. His breaths were shaky, and his skin prickled with goose bumps.


Lukas lifted his head up at the call of his name, seeing Arthur. His face was covered in razor cuts from the glass and his left hand was bandaged.

"What is it Arthur?"

Arthur settled himself next to Lukas.

"Other then Kolher escaping, we're going to need to find some other headquarters to work in, not until they construct this one again."

  Lukas nodded. They were probably going to have to be temporarily transferred to a different department, which meant he was going to take Emil with him, moving him to a  different school. He hated his classes already and he didn't have any friends, maybe the move was going to help change that.

  "Do you know where?" Lukas asked.

Arthur smiled.

"You mean who? Vlad called in the minute he heard, bloody bloke decided on taking us in, and a few others."

"Vladimir?" Lukas couldn't believe it. He hadn't seen the Romanian since the academy; he didn't even know he was still in the area.

Arthur noticed his expression.

"Shocking isn't it? I also thought he had left the country knowing him."

Arthur chuckled.

Lukas's eyes down casted on his wound.

  "I'm sorry, about Matthias"

Arthur glanced at him, his green eyes sympathetic, he placed a reassuring arm around him.

"Matthias isn't your fault Lukas, and besides it's not just between you two anymore, we're involved now, and we're going to stop him."

Lukas shrugged his arm off.

He wanted to rely on his words, but he knew better.

Whatcha think? It took me forever and once again might come back & edit.


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