9. An Icelandic boy and..

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Lukas didn't always have Emil with him, that was a well known fact. He probably would have never even known of his younger brother's existence if it hadn't been for Matthias. Back when he was still with the Dane, who was just beginning his ways of becoming a man of offical business, he had connections with the triads, the Chinese Mafia. Apparently during that time they needed assistance in Hong Kong. Matthias had obediently followed their instructions thoroughly and through whispered word, he couldn't use his phone or any transmitted device for you could never be too sure who was listening. He came home that night with flight tickets to Kowloon, Hong Kong.

"Hey, Lukas I think it's time for us to have a vacation." He told him waving a small yellow package at him. He smelled of stale cigarettes and cologne. Still during their time in college (well for Lukas anyway Matthias had dropped the year they first arrived) they were roomates in a house that was inherited to Matthias by his Grandparents, being the eldest of the family always had its advantages.

Tino and Berwald were also living with them at the time, and didn't know of Matthias's actions until Lukas had left. They had their rooms located downstairs while they had theirs upstairs. Lukas glanced up from his book, he was reading a book about Law Enforcement and he hadn't been discreet about it. He was studying history, the plan was to graduate with an Art History major, but when he had went to library earlier this morning he decided to take a different course and check out a few books about law instead.

"Vacation or business?" He asked him. He was sitting cross-legged on his bed.

"Does it matter? I was thinking that for Winter break we could go to Hong Kong! I mean you always wanted to visit any other country than in Europe right?" He explained cheerfully. Lukas rolled his eyes shutting his book.

"Yeah, but I told you I was going to visit my mom, you know how she is. Especially since I practically came here to America without her knowledge."

"Lukas, you came here to get away from all that, to leave your past behind you right? You're mom is always going to be there for her son." He said, taking a seat on the foot of his bed, the mattress creaking from his weight.

"For now, can you do this for me?" He requested softly. His hand rested on Lukas's knee, it was warm and rough, Lukas pushed it aside.

"Fine. This will be last time I'll listen to you Matthias Kølher." Matthias's eyes lit up,

"Yes! Oh thank you so much Lukas!" Matthias unexpectedly tackled Lukas in a bear hug.

"Let go of me!" Lukas protested trying to wriggle from his arms they rolled on the left side of his bed where Lukas ended up being on top of him, his hands gripping Matthias's wrists.

"Let go of you? You're the one who won't let go of me." Matthias teased. His hair was tousled, and his smile made Lukas want to punch him, but at the same time it made his heart race.

"Shut up." Lukas said, he was about to get off Matthias when he felt the Dane's hands seize his hips.

"Don't go yet." Matthias whispered.

"Matthias. I need to sleep." He said trying to unhinge his fingers from his sides.

"Can I sleep with you?"


"Please?" He said pleadingly, his blue eyes were like a puppy's that it annoyed Lukas.

"Fine." He grumbled. "You can let go now."

Matthias released him from his grip as Lukas adjusted himself on his pillow, his head laying back on the headboard.

"It's going to be great Lukas, I promise once I have this all sorted out we'll be living the high life." Matthias said snuggling close to Lukas with a grin. Lukas sighed,

"This isn't the way Matthias." He said pushing his idiotic face away from him and pinching his nose.

"Ow, Lukas!" Matthias whined, rubbing his red nose.

"You didn't have to do that, I'm doing this for the both of us you know."

"I don't need the support. So quit with all this hiding around or whatever it is you do!" Lukas lashed out.

Matthias smiled weakly.

"Even if I tried I wouldn't be able to, I owe too much Lukas.That's why I promise when I get to the to top that'll I'll protect you.

"Matthias-" Matthias leaned in and quickly pecked Lukas's forehead.

"I'm not going to lose you."


Lukas banged on the wheel's horn, honking at the driver ahead of him.

"Dammit hurry up!" He barked. He had to make sure Emil was okay. Why had he been so reckless? Leaving him unattended like that? Emil, ever since Matthias found him in Hong Kong he hadn't exactly known all the details with his job with the triads but it had somehow caused him to retrieve Emil from a couple of traffickers. It made no sense, how could his little brother he never knew he  had end up in a situation like that? Lukas had tried to contact his mother since then, but failed to get in touch. It angered Lukas, all of it. Had she known all this time? If so why hadn't she mentioned a single word of having a brother? Or kept a single keepsake of his existence? He swerved right, tires burning rubber, none of that mattered right now. He had to make sure his brother was safe, he'd do anything to assure his safety.

"What are we doing?" Gilbert asked Alfred, who was casually eating his burger.

"Waiting." He replied licking the ketchup from his upper lip.

"For what?" Gilbert said impatiently.

"Further instruction." He said licking grease from his thumb.

"We can't intervene, Francis has Matthias cornered, we didn't expect him to invite him over at the Italian's place. All we can now is wait." The two were rested on the bed of the truck, guns hidden from view, and parked a few feet away from the Italian restaurant. Gilbert clenched his teeth.

"That damn wine loving swine!
How are supposed to know he's alright in there?"

"Have you forgotten about me already? I drove you all the way here and this is how you repay me? Sometimes I regret leaving the Russian. " A voice declared. The two looked up at the man's presence.

"Aw, come on Eduard, Gilbert didn't mean it." Alfred said playfully. "Right Gil?" Gilbert nodded.

"We need ya, and your skills Ed." Eduard gave him a small smile adjusting his glasses.

"I know."

A/n- GAH! I'm so terrible at updating! I have a serious problem really.. I'm so disappointed in myself for letting my readers go on waiting for me. I'm sincerely sorry for it. But despite that some of you haven't given up on this story and for that I am grateful. I'm really grateful that you're still around, Even though I probably don't deserve you. My writing skills are okay, not great, and even so, the support I'm given makes me so happy. You don't even know. Thank you so much. (Eduard is Estonia btw. Lol.)

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