1. Norge vs. Dane

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Matthias pressed his thumb against his knife leaving his print marked on its silver blade. The icy wind surged in vast gusts; he shivered his fingers deepening inside the pockets of his black trench coat. The blade seeped in his skin; he felt his own blood begin to drip, warm in his fingertips. He cursed at himself for forgetting his gloves. He didn't know how long he had to wait. Lukas had sent him an email two days ago, signifying the exact time and location, notifying him to come alone. He was never behind schedule, but at this moment he was precisely twenty minutes late.

Matthias was hidden behind the German Coffee shop, Ludwig's Kaffee. Abandoned cups littered in the back space alley, the foul stench of garbage lingered in the air as he could hear the scurrying feet of rats, along with the impatient blasts of horns honking nearby in the downtown traffic.

The moon was a crescent above him, shimmering in an eerie aura. His heart jerked in a pattern of mismatched beats, he had to admit he was more than anxious. He hadn't spoken or seen Lukas Bondevik in years. He had left unexpectedly one day taking Emil, an Icelandic orphan they had found straying in the streets near the Walled City.*

Matthias had just used him for deals, but sharing similar characteristics with the kid, Lukas had stolen money from him for a blood test that soon was mailed, confirming that they were related.

During his "disappearance" he hadn't even bothered to contact once. Matthias had made his two  subordinates, Tino and Berwald to investigate further in having him found, but he was gone, with no traceable alibis.

 Traceable alibis.

What was he? A cop? He only owned a quarter of them, and most of them were rookies fresh out of the academy.

Sighing, Matthias leaned against the cool flat brick wall; pulling out a cigarette from his pocket he slid it between his lips. Taking out his lighter he lit the end, the embers burning to life, with a small tap, crumbs of ash trickled down, reminding him of endless flurries of snowfall. He smoothed his hair back. Why had he told him to come alone? Was he imitated by the fact that he might try something? No, Lukas was rarely the type to be fearful, especially of him. He had been involved in gang organizations you could say, ever since they had moved to the U.S. Dealing with shit that lingered in the streets. Now he lead the third largest Mafia next to that Italian Lovino and that Russian Ivan. He was part of the top three. Still, the chart of Mafias that ran in this country seemed endless.

That's why..Lukas left because of me.

That's the only reason Matthias could have thought of that had made more sense to him. He left because of the violence, guns, alcohol, drugs, all of it. He inhaled the vapor then exhaled, releasing the puff of smoke that wisped in a grey cloud. The frigid air was beginning to bite him to the bone, his face was numb leaving his cheeks a blushed scarlet. Suddenly, he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket, pulling it out with raw fingers he saw the name Tino flash in the glowing screen. Sliding the answer icon, he heard the quaking voice of the Finnish man on the other end.

"What is it Tino?" Matthias asked.

"It's-it's about Lukas he's, you need to leave it's a-"

"Don't you think it's rude having your phone out when meeting up with an old friend?"

Matthias looked up facing the Norge in front of him. It was like seeing a ghost. He wore that same expression, a hint of silver gleamed in his violet eyes, as his lips were firmly pursed. Matthias felt a smile tug in his own lips. Sucking in the nicotine once more he threw the cigarette on the ground hearing it crunch beneath his boot. Slipping his phone in his pocket without declining the call he shrugged, leaning back against the stiffness of the wall again.

"You know me Lukas I'm not good with greetings."

Lukas nodded.

"I agree, so Matthias what have you been up to?"

Lukas adjusted the cross barrette that he always wore in his hair. His thin fingers. He remembered when he had played violin back when they were in high school. Graduating, before they had moved here, Matthias was nineteen, during the time were they were just beginning in a new life. They were roommates, Lukas was a typical workaholic who always had papers and textbooks spilling from his arms, or piling in his desk when he was studying at the nearby college. History was his specialty, he clung on the information depending on it to give him answers for a better future. The year after, things began changing between them.

 I'm the one who screwed it up for the both of us.

Matthias thought.

Either way it was too late for them now, he was twenty-five not nineteen anymore.

"Ah, just you know business. " He responded tugging at the red cuffs of his coat. He already knew something was going on. Lukas was standing in a far distance away from him fiddling with his barrette every so often they talked. If he couldn't have looked suspicious enough.

"Why you here Lukas? " Matthias bluntly asked.

"Just to see how you were doing."

"Really? I may be a drunk dumb bastard but I'm not drunk, I know about your little communication device. "

Matthias scoffed, pointing at his golden cross.

Lukas sighed.

" Sta Jaevel, I told you he'd find out." He spoke to the microphone through his barrette.

Matthias suddenly heard the main rotor blades of a helicopter above them, along with wailing police sirens and S.W.A.T cars, their tires screeching in the asphalt. Members of the S.W.A.T team immediately flooded in, their guns aimed at Matthias as the bright light from the helicopter poured a spotlight on him striking his vision.

Folding his hands behind his back Lukas in a slow stride walked towards him.

"Your criminal acts are going to come to an end Matthias Kølher. "

Matthias laughed bitterly.

 "Min stive sød you always did have a sense of humor." Lukas grabbed his collar, pushing him against the wall.

"Hell I did." He said through gritted teeth. Yanking him away, Lukas turned his heel away from the Dane.

"Take him to my car, he's coming with me." He ordered.

"You have no jurisdiction Bondevik we'll take it from here." He heard a British voice confirm.

It was Arthur Kirkland. An agent transfer from England. He had a thick british accent, lime green eyes and messy blonde hair . They shared similar interests and had even went out for coffee once in awhile well Arthur preferred tea, but either way right now wasn't the time for a tea party.

"Kirkland, I just helped you in your failed operation to catch the third largest threat in America, he's coming with me."

Arthur looked in his eyes trying to read his motives in this but couldn't find anything. Finally, with a doubtful expression he nodded signaling the S.W.A.T men that bounded Matthias ahead where Lukas's car was parked.

"I hope you know what you're doing." Lukas paused turning his head slightly.

"I always do."


So what you think? Comment, Favorite, and if I should continue there will likely be slow updates. Just saying.

*Kowloon Walled City was a densely populated, largely ungoverned settlement in New Kowloon, Hong Kong. Originally a Chinese military fort, the Walled City became an enclave after the New Territories were leased to Britain in 1898. (Wikipedia Definition)


StaJaevel(Norwegian)- Stubborn Bastard

Min stive sød (Danish) - my stiff sweet

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