6. Danish, Prussian, American

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"Man I haven't been in these raids for a long time." Gilbert stated loading up his gun, the bullets that strapped on his shoulders jingled as the truck they were riding drove almost recklessly. Alfred nudged his arm.

"We're not doing anything yet, Matthias is going to negotiate with Francis first, remember?" He argued.

Gilbert raised an eyebrow, as a mischievous grin grew on his lips.

"Don't kid yourself Al, that never works out." He cocked his gun in emphasis,

"I'll make sure that French man pays."

Alfred didn't say anything back in response. He pulled out his phone trying to distract himself by checking the latest basketball tournaments or the scores of the baseball game that he was missing right now. But none of it was working.

He admitted he hated shooting people down, although that didn't mean he was hesitant into killing them either. He's just done this so many times already with Matthias and Gilbert; stealing crates stacked with so many weapons that it felt like Christmas had come early, deporting loads of drugs here and there to various locations.

Sure none of it was good, but they always seemed to stick together. Gilbert would punch him in the face and call him a priss right now if he found out what he was thinking. Or maybe he wouldn't.

"Hey Gil?"

The Prussian descendant lifted his head slightly indicating that he was paying attention.

"Do you ever feel bad or - what do you feel when we help Matthias out? I mean we've been doing this so long and sometimes I ask myself why we're doing this. What is the purpose-"

"We owe him. He's helped us out. Sure the idiot doesn't do things right sometimes, but we've been through a lot already, so why stop now?"

Gilbert lifted up his gun, as he thoughtfully examined its silver frame.

"Back then I was just a loser, who had to watch over my little brother, I didn't have anyone, it was just me and him. He'd always follow me around like a little bird trailing my every step. How could I support him? No one hired me for shit, so that's when I got involved with a group of other losers and later joined their gang. I had robbed money from a bank for the first time, my punk ass was selfish. I had forgotten my brother and once the police arrested me, they took him away. I never him saw again. The only thing I remember was the frightful look on his face, and the sirens. " Gilbert sighed.

"I didn't spend the time I was given in jail, someone had bailed me out. I didn't even know who it was. Later I found it had been Matthias, and I still hadn't known him back then. "

He sniffed back tears that were beginning to form in his eyes, and cleared his throat.

Alfred was stunned by his confession. He never knew the story behind of how Gilbert ended up here. He went through something similar like that, and he wanted to tell him, but he choked back the words.

"I'm - I'm sorry I didn't know. "

Gilbert shrugged.

"Of course you didn't. Now can we stop moping like a couple of bitches and get ready? We're almost there." Alfred nodded, smiling softly.

"Yeah. I guess you can call us an awesome trio, considering how we managed to be together this far."

Gilbert smirked.

"You know it."

A/n: Chapter is shorter than usual sorry!~ And I would just like to Thank You all for commenting/voting your support! Thank you so much! And as always will edit later! ;P

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