7. The French & the Brit

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The drive to the new apartment was more than troublesome. What else was to be expected of Emil? He turned on the radio blasting it in full volume while changing the station every two seconds when a song he was either unfamiliar with or just didn't like came up. He purposely propped his legs on top of the dashboard dirtying the windshield with his sneakers. Lukas was ready to black slap him. Quickly drumming his fingers on the leather of the wheel he took a sip of his coffee, feeling the caffeine flood his veins and reviving his brain from fogginess, he sighed.

He had spent the whole night yesterday apartment hunting, cruising through various websites with false propaganda along with the abundance of pop-up ads that appeared on his screen every so often annoying him that he was in the brink of almost destroying the damn computer. It wasn't until 5 am that he found the right two bedroom apartment with the shortest route to the station. From there he handled the rest of his residency in the new complex, and having told Emil to pack up prior after the whole boyfriend fiasco he began to pack up his own belongings as he made a short call for a rental truck. Now here they were, gearing his car to a halt Lukas parked in front of the apartment, when he felt a sudden vibration in his left side. Pulling out his phone he glanced at the caller ID, and answered.

"Lukas, I need you pronto." Arthur said urgently.

"What? What for?"

"Look I'm not going to bloody explain, so can you get your arse over here at the station now?" Lukas tightened his grip on his phone. He didn't appreciate being spoken to like an imbecile, he made a mental note to get back at Arthur for insulting him.

"Fine, I'm hanging up." He said immediately pressing the end button cutting off anymore comments from the angry Brit. He sighed, this must of been his millionth already.

"Emil, I'm entrusting you with the key, so please don't cause any disaster when I'm gone." Emil stared at him with his arms crossed.

"The apartment is empty, what am I supposed to do in there?"

Lukas rubbed his temples.

"I don't know, use your imagination just get out of the car and make sure to let the movers in." Emil rolled his eyes, muttering "whatever" under his breath he took the key and hopped off, as Lukas headed to the station.


Matthias stood before the estate, it was morning, the trip here had cost more gasoline money then he suspected, damn it all. He spotted at least a dozen of Francis's men. Thumbs hitched at his pockets, he watched the smoke drift from the cigarette that clung between his lips.

"So pretty boy gonna let me in, or am I just gonna admire his place until I begin to feel sorry for myself?"

Matthias asked one of his lackeys. This one Matthias realized, was younger then the other stolid faces around here, he had blonde wavy curls and wide violet eyes behind a pair of glasses which for some reason seemed oddly familiar. He could practically smell the fear waving off this kid.

"Um - he's-" He began to stutter.

"Matthias, beautiful day no?" A strongly accented voice interrupted. Matthias turned seeing the pompous french man approach them.

"Ah well look who it is! And yeah I suppose it's a nice day." Matthias agreed taking a whiff of his cigarette.

"So I heard that you wanted to discuss a matter with me?" Francis asked, adjusting the silver stripe cuff links to the cuffs of his attire. He wore a fresh pressed lilac suit and a matching bowler hat to go with it.

Matthias nodded.

"Yeah, mind if we go somewhere private? " Matthias asked eyeing the men that surrounded them.

Francis chuckled,

"I wasn't planning to be outside all day you know. Besides I knew you were coming so I had a place reserved for us. The Italian restaurant, you're familiar with it?" He asked covertly. Mathias looked up at him, his brow furrowed,

"Of course."

Francis smiled almost smugly,

"Well then mon ami let's have a bite to eat, behind closed doors." Francis winked. Matthias curtly nodded, getting rid of his cigarette he followed behind him. He was well aware that he was digging his own grave deeper into the soil.

A/n- So what do you think? This is just the beginning of things. ;) And as always will edit later! This chapter was shorter than usual! Sorry!

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