Chapter 18

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-Frankie's Point of View-

Without Zach, I don't know what to do, so I just ended up eating, and chilling up in the HOH room with Derrick, Cody, and Christine. Trying to figure out how to prove to him that I was truly, madly, deeply in love with him. That was until I had to go announce the Veto competition and the competitiors all waited around in the living room while one by one they each went out to complete the comp.

Once the competiton had ended, we all went outside and saw the merry land of Big Brother comics, and I revealed the times one by one,  when it got to Zach's turn, Christine was winning.

"Who volunteers to kick me in the ass once this one is revealed?" He asked with frustration lacing his voice. I don't know about kicking him there, but I would 'accidently' penetrate him there. Once his score was revealed, it was obvious why he wanted kicked in the ass, but I wasn't willing to hurt my baby.  So, I just placed the Veto around Christine's neck and walked back into the fire room to game talk with Derrick, Cody, and Christine about what to do with the Veto. It was obvious that she was going to wait to see what Nicole wanted her to do with it, considering that she was Nicole's lap dog. So, I didn't even understand why we were having this conversation.

That's when a shirtless Zach enter the room, and I couldn't prevent my eyes from trailing all over his body. "Are you guys evicting me?" He asked.

"Yeah." I teased while giving him a high five that turned into us holding hands before we let go, when we're good; it feels like heaven, but when we're on bad terms; it feels like hell. Then, he went into a holding once hand and one his knee positon with Christine, maling my jealousy bubble.

"Thank you, so fucking much. I seriously love you right now." He said with a slight smile. "I owe you,  anything you want in the game." He said, it was a bit much, considering he didn't evem know if she'd use the Veto on him yet. Then, without another word he left,  probably to go wait for me to do something cute, and I fell asleep just so that maybe an idea would come to me in my sleep. He was really making me work for this one.

That's when it hit me and I grabbed my teddy bear that I brought here to cuddle with on slow nights out of my bag, and told Zach to meet me in the hammock. I brought Mr. Snuggles with me, and I was going to give it to Zach. It was the only thing that I could think about doing.

"Why did you want me to come hang out with you on the hammock?" He asked while laying down next to me.

"Well, to prove to you that I am in love with you.  I brought you something from my bag." I said, as I revealed Mr. Snuggles to him. "I've had him every single day of my life, since my mom left me, but I wanted to give him to you. You mean too much to me to have you leave me. I love you Zachary Colin Rance, and I want you to have my teddy bear." I said sweetly while handing him the bear. He smiled as he leaned down to kiss me, making me blush slightly. I'm the one who's supposed to make him blush, not the other way around.

"You have earned the right to cuddle me." He said smiling as he wrapped his arms around me, and placed me into the little spoon position. We just remained like that with Mr. Snuggles against my chest until Caleb and Victoria came out to show us that they had now been unhandcuffed and could be free. We all clapped, and then I went back to having Zach's arms around me as I led a trail of kisses down to his shoulder blade. We remained that way until the Veto competition,  where we figured out that Christine wasn't going to use the Veto to save Zach, and as much as I wanted to, I couldn't blame her.

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