Chapter 8

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-Frankie's Point of View-

I woke up with Zach's arm wrapped around my body, I could get used to this. I knew that tonight was the night when we had to choose who to evict and everybody was going to choose to evict Brittney. It was kind of heartbreaking when you really thought about it. Brittney had given her heart to be able to show all of the people here that she was dedicated to this game, but in the long run, it was just better for her to go home now, whether then wait for later.

I cuddled with Zach and waited for the whole Brittney eviction ceremony to take place, and finally after a few hour the annoying pain in the ass finally called us all into the living room, and Julie's beautiful face appeared on the live screen.

"Houseguests, it is time for the live eviction ceremony." She said as we all took seats on the couches that kept appearing to be emptier and emptier, with every eviction ceremony that we had. "First of all, Frankie on behalf of all of the Big Brother production we would like to extend our deepest apologies for your loss."

"Thank you, Julie." I replied, it truly made me happy that she was concerned about making me feel better about the loss of my grandfather. The questions continued like they normally do, until it was time for the nominees to say their final goodbyes before we went into voting.

After voting was over, we found out that it was a unanimous vote to get Brittney out and we all said our final goodbyes as some people were in tears and others looked like they couldn't care less. All that my heart was set on was winning the next HOH so that I could get my letter from my family to assure me that everything would be okay.

After a few hours of cuddling with Zach, and kissing his neck a few times. It was time for the H.O.H. competition. It was a contest of guessing which song belonged to which competition.  I got the first round correct and then continued to dominate the competition. I really wanted that note from my family and that was the only thing that I could think about as I continued to thrive to win. The final matches were Derrick vs. me and Christine vs. Zack, it would be fun to be H.O.Hs with Zack, sharing the H.O.H bedroom and being able to shower together. Derrick ended up throwing the competition for me so that I could see my pictures of my grandfather and recieve a letter from Arianna.

I hugged him for throwing the competition and then took the first key to the H.O.H. bedroom hoping that Zack would recieve the next one. I watched as his hand hit the buzzer first, and I was hoping that he didn't just guess on the competition in order to just get it over with, he has a tendency of doing that, it was cute but still.

After the song had ended, Julie's voice came over the P.A. and told us that Zack was the second H.O.H. I was going to enjoy this. I ran into Zach's arms causing him to pick me up and spin me around slightly as he kissed my cheek. I was super glad that I would be sharing my H.O.H. win with him. We walked back inside after a while and joined the rest of the houseguests on the couch. After a few hugs, and when the other houseguests had left the living room. I broke down onto Jocasta's shoulder.

The reality of my grandfather being gone had hit me hard again, and knowing that I was going to be seeing pictures of him because of Derrick made me so greatful to Derrick. Amber joined the hug too and both of them rubbed my back until I could finally calm down again. My grandfather was just kind of like my father figure. He had been there my entire life to raise me all along the way, so it hurt knowing that he was gone and that I couldn't escape the fact that I wouldn't be there for his calling hours or his funeral. I would be stuck in the Big Brother house, but Zack was helping my grieving process by giving me something else to focus on.  That's one reason why I was glad that he was the other H.O.H. it would mean that I wouldn't be alone to think for too long.

After a few hours, Zack and I went into the Beehive room and I jumped into his arms wrapping my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist before I got down. "Zankie." He whispered as I slapped his arm playfully.

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