Chapter 12

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I was sitting up in the HOH room with Frankie, and Cody when I decided to make a joke about starting a new alliance.

"I think we should start a new alliance." I joked.

"No,  I'm not up for making any more alliances." Cody protested.

"Fine, if you're not with us, you're against us." I teased. "It's going to be us three and Hayden. Do you think that I should go downstairs and mess with them? Like not say anything but annoy them." I asked getting excited. I hadn't had my daily dose of aggravating people, so Christine and Nicole were going to be my new targets.

"What are you going to say to them?" Cody asked as I grabbed my hat off of the table and started heading out the door.

"Nothing, I'm just going to go down there with beef jerky and Starbursts and be like I'm just hanging out here eating some beef jerky and Starbursts. Would you like some? Oh, I forgot. You can't this week because you're have nots." I said as I grabbed my goodies and started walking out the door.

"I love you." Frankie called out.

"I love you too." I said with a smile as I made my way downstairs and sat next to Hayden on the couch.

"What's up man?" Hayden asked.

"What's up? Would you guys like some beef jerky?" I tormented, earning ticked off looks from Nicole and Christine. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked Nicole.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She retaliated.

"I'm not, I'm trying to see what's up." I said.

"Just trying to eat some slop." Nicole remarked while jabbing her fork into her plate.

"Guess that's what you get for being lazy."I tormented making Nicole get out of her seat and leave. I still sat there and ate until I decided to walk back up to the HOH room and hang out with Frankie.

"Let's try to make this a happy week. It's been do tramadic." He stated while picking at the fuzzballs on the blanket. "I think the easiest way, just for this way is to just mend fences. Just to make it easier on me, like I don't want people coming up to me and being like"

"Talking about me to you." I said, completing his sentence.

"Yeah, like I don't want your name floating around all week." Frankie said looking at me with his loving eyes that melted my heart.

"And if everybody comes up here and is like Zach, Zach, Zach, Zach, Zach." I asked, just to see what he would do.

"Then I'll have to put you up." He said, well that stung slightly.

"Okay. So, I just won't open my mouth." I said coming to a logical thing to do for once.

"Yeah, you know. Maybe you could do another speech at the veto meeting." He offered up.

"Maybe I could do what?" I asked, because my mind was getting so boggled.

"Do another speech at the veto meeting." Frankie said with a shrug.

"Oh, I got it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." I said smiling and hiding my face into the pillow. "At the end of the day I'll do that though. For me, for you, for us. I will." I said nodding my head. I would do anything that he asked me too, and maybe that would lead to my downfall.

A few hours later the P.A. speaker called Derrick into the diary room, and then I came downstairs to hear Caleb telling Cody that Derrick's grandfather had died. Well, that made two people who I'm close to in this house grandfatherless. However, this time I wasn't as choked up as I was for Frankie, and I didn't know why. After about 20 minutes, Derrick finally came out of the have not room.

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