Chapter 4

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-Frankie's Point of View-

I was up in the Head of Household room with a shirtless Zach, and Cody. We had to talk about who we were going to put up on the block. When, Cody said that he was going to put Caleb up and try to get him out now that he had a chance, and Zach agreed with him, and I was so confused. I thought that the whole plan this week was to get rid of the target of Brittney. If we put beast mode cowboy up next to her there is a chance he'll  pull himself away from getting evicted and then his targets would become Cody, Zach, and me. Caleb could not go up. It just wasn't possible.

The buzzer rang signifying that it was time for us to go watch Brittney score 2,400 goals in under 24 hours, I got the number mixed up because I was too busy internally fangirling that Zach was taking me to Germany with him. Zach was making the whole thing a joke so he leaned over and put his face on the net.

"Look I'll make it easier for you." He joked but when he got hit in the face with a ball he came to pout to me. Damn, his pout was adorable. In the middle of Brittney's punishment we got to watch Cody's punishments. By the end of Cody's punishments he was complaining that his butt hurt so, being a good friend I messaged it for him.  This earned me a death stare from Zach however. This is just what this house needs another houseguest jealous of another. It'll mix things up for sure. I knew it was bad to play with Zach's heart like this but I had to do it. I had to see if Zach liked me the way I liked him, and I have to make sure that that sleep talking wasn't just talking pointlessly.

"Nicole, please go to the diary room." We all heard the name on the loud speaker say. So, of course everybody was excited to see what this Germitard was. She looked nice in it but Zach was complimenting her a bit too much, it was so over the top, that I knew he was trying to get me to be jealous. It was going to be a failed attempt though.

"You do know that you're not accomplishing your goal right?" I asked teasingly.

"What's my goal?" He asked as if he had no idea what I was talking about.

"You're trying to make me jealous, but it's not going to work." I whispered grabbing his face and pulling it closer to mine so that our lips were just inches apart, but then I pulled away and walked swaying my hips.  I loved a little tease without pleasure.

That night, the royal pain in the ass a.k.a. the loud speaker finally let Zach, Cody, and I all sleep up in the HOH room. I snuggled up to Zach, and pulled him close to my body, making him the little spoon for once, but then I decided to be a tease. I ran my hand up his leg, and then pulled it back smirking slightly at his shiver.

"Frankie, you know that you're a tease right?" Zach whined as he grabbed onto my hand and interlaced our fingers.

"I swear that you guys are going to start making out soon." Cody laugh. Good old third wheel Cody. He just doesn't understand Zankie, but he was always the third wheel when it came to us. Zach is straight... I think, maybe? And I'm gay so we just have a good time teasing and cuddling. Then, there was the kisses. I don't know how to explain those.

We all finally settled and Zach flipped us over so that he could rub my back, it always makes him sleep and I wasn't going to complain because it helped me sleep too. I finally heard the soft snores of both men and finally fell asleep. Tomorrow will be a day to discuss who we're going to throw up on the block. 

I woke up to a kiss on the cheek by Zach, and I had to admit that it was the best wake up call that I have gotten, or that was until he licked my cheek and pulled away laughing. Everybody that was in the Detonators was in the room, and half of us discussed throwing up Caleb, and half of us wanted to throw up Donny. Donny was well liked meaning that it would be the original target of Brittney that would go home, which would be logical but Cody still wants to throw up Caleb on the block over a girl who likes Cody better anyways. It was a stupid decision, but maybe that decision can be swayed before the veto gets played.

It's literally moments before the veto ceremony, and Cody tells me that his final decision is to put Caleb on the block. I'm so baffled as to why Cody wants to get rid of Caleb over Brittney. Caleb is going to stay loyal to us and Brittney has no loyalties in this game. So, now it's my turn to go do damage control. Naturally, I went to tell Derrick who Cody was going to put on the block considering if there's one person who Cody will listen to it's Derrick.

I sat down on the couch with the rest of the houseguests waiting for the veto ceremony to come to an end, Victoria had obviously already used the veto on herself, but I had no idea what Cody was going to do. He pulled through though because the name that came out of his mouth was the one that I wanted him to put up, Donny. I mean it sucks for my other alliance Team America, which was him,  Derrick, and I but I knew that he was safe so I wasn't worried about anything.  Nobody would vote out good old Donny, so now both alliances were safe and I felt good about it. I got up from the couch and leaped into Zach's arms, giving him a tight big because I was so excited. I just hope that this doesn't backfire.

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