Chapter 19

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-Zach's Point of View-

After a while of just chilling out, and showering, Julie called us all into the living room for the eviction ceremony.

"As you all have experienced this year the game has been played like never before with the two HOHs, and the Battle of the Block. But, all good things must come to an end and I am proud to announce that tonight marks the end of the double Head of Households, but only for  the next hour. That's because tonight is double eviction night." She continued. "That's right, before the hour is up,  two of you are going to be leaving the Big Brother house but, you won't be going home.  Either Jocasta or Zach will be the first person to make up the nine person jury who will crown the winner of Big Brother. But,  you should know that just simply because you're out of the house, doesn't necessarily mean you're or of the game. With that, it is time to start the first live eviction of the evening. Jocasta, Zach, in just a few moments your houseguests will cast their vote to evict live but before they do, you will each receive a chance to pled your case. Jocasta, you're first." Julie explained, and by now my adrenaline was pumping and my heart felt like it would explode.

"Alright, thank you Julie. Praise God, I love you Jesus. Thank you for this opportunity." She started. Then she gave shout outs to her family, and told everybody that she would love them regardless of their decision.

"Roses are red, violet are blue. You all have been so great I love each and every one of you. You've all touched my heart, and made me so greatful. Maybe I'll change my ways, and not be so hateful. We've all made it to jury, we're on the right track. Viewers at home,  please hashtag Zach Attack. Houseguests, I'm begging you. Please give me one last chance, if you want to follow me on Instagram or Twitter, I'm at RanceyPants. You're decision tonight is crucial, the wrong choice might cost ya. So when you walk into that Diary Room please vote to evict Jocasta." I rhymed once my turn was up to give proof as to why they should keep me, and now came the hard part, the waiting to see if they were going to evict me.

"With a 6 votes to evict, Jocasta, you will be leaving the Big Brother house." Julie explained putting all of my worries to rest, as we all got up to hug Mama J goodbye. I was just glad that I wasn't going home, and that I could be with Frankie for another few days.

After a while of just laying in Frankie's arms, leaving soft kissed in his skin here and there Julie called us all out to the backyard to have the second HOH of this week. It was a math game where we had to guess 'More', 'Less', or 'Exactly'.

"Question 1: During the BB Cup how many proze trades were made? Were there more then, less then, or exactly 4 trips made?" This is one that I should get right, because this was the competition where Caleb started flirting with both Frankie and me. So, I turned my board to exactly. Surprisingly this question made almost all of the other people drop like flies. It only left Caleb, Christine, and me left standing.

"Question 2: How many Houseguest's choice chips were pulled at the picking players meetings? More, less, or exactly 3 times?" This one was another hard one, which I ended up getting wrong while Caleb and Christine stayed in, and because of the Abra Cobobra question, the man who I almost let ruin my relationship was now HOH, and the strange thing is that I trusted him.

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