Sophitz~ Issues

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A/N:So I had been meaning to upload this but I kinda just didn't but I guess apparently now I am... this isnthe first of all my novel updates so stay tuned because all of them should be updated by Sunday next week!!! Anywho this particular one-shot focuses on Sophitz and was inspired by this song!!

Sophies POV:

Why did he call us in? Forkle had called an emergency meeting to Everglen. Of course.
I can never have a normal Sunday can I?

Sighing, I checked my reflection in the mirror. Acceptable.

My rosy pink tunic had darker embroidery on the neck and it fanned out into layers of pale pink tulle paired with black pants and some white flats. My hair was half up half down with small diamonds woven in between. That's good enough, right?


Straightening the tunic I ignored Vertina's complaints and marched off towards the leapmaster. Edaline and Grady were already there.

"Ready Miss Foster?" Sandor, my goblin body guard inquired shifting in his place tucked among the shadows.

"Mmm... I guess," I exhaled as I lowered my hand from my lashes and clasped his hand, swallowing down my worry and stomping on my thoughts I yelled "EVERGLEN!!" and let the light carry me and my worries away.


To say that everyone looked worried would be an understatement. They all looked terrified. Like someone had died.

Wait... did.... someone.....

"Miss Foster, and everyone else-"

"Cut the small talk Forkle and get to the chase why are we here principal pillow head?" Keefe interrupted using Mr. Forkles, Magnate leto nickname.

"Right Mr. Scencen, I asked you all here because.... Someone's gone missing."

My heart froze. Glancing around the room I noticed the adults didn't pale. The only people pale as sheets and sweating buckets were my friends who were all he-



"Ye- yes... I am afraid in the morning the Dizznees woke up to find Dexter missing. We searched everywhere and even tried tracking his registry pendent. Nothing."

My heart stopped. I swayed slightly and felt someone's arms steady me. I knew it was Fitz. I didn't think. I... I couldn't think.

Dex, my closest friend was gone. Vanished. Like the wind. Like light in the moons shadow. Like stars in the day time. Gone. Without a trace. How was I suppose to find him.

Its my fa-

Dont go there

You were eavesdropping on my thoughts?

Someone had to know what was going on in your head and make sure you don't go down that path. Sophie, we lost him we can't loose you too.

Your right....

"NO MENTAL CONVERSATIONS YOU TWO!!" Everyone in the room yelled. I didn't blush.

"Whats the plan?" When everyone stayed silent I sighed.

No one had a plan... Dex was missing and no one knew what to do.

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