Keefe meets April fools day

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A/N: So one night when I couldn't sleep I thought of this meme thing I saw of what would happen if Keefe met the Weasley twins and that reminded me what would happen if Keefe met April Fools? So this was born! Enjoy! Oh and this is from Keefe's POV without the never seen and all that onward!!!

Keefe was soooo boooooored... Wait what would Foster be doing? It was the 31st of March she wouldn't have anything to do, would she?

"Going to blondie are we?" An ogre with choppy pigtails dyed ice blue at the bottom appeared out of the shadows as Keefe crept to his snobby dad's leapmaster. Ro. His ogre princess bodyguard who just so happens to be the most annoying person ever. Seriously. She doesn't know when to shut her big yap.


"I'm coming unless you want me to-" 

"Ok ok! Fine come." Keefe rolled his eyes as she joined him at the leapmaster "HAVENFIELD!"

"Or Too-many-animals-for me to count field!" Ro quipped as the light whisked them away.

"I'll go bother that insufferable goblin of hers since I'm sure you-" 

"Just go!" Keefe told her knocking on the door.

"Keefe? Hi?" He removed his attention from Ro who had just slunk behind the girl who had opened the door. Foster's hair bounced on her shoulder's making it glimmer like strands of pure gold.

"Hiya Foster. Im going to cut to the chase. IM....." He trailed off looking at the floor and kicking the dirt knowing she would..... no... he felt the truck loads of worry that she felt just after the tiny spectacle he'd delivered.

"Keefe what's wrong?" She prompted, worry making her eyes flash in the sun a sunset of colours erupting in her pupils.

"I can't say here" he whispered, she dragged him to her room thankfully having the hindsight to avoid Grady.

"NOW, What happened?" She cocked her brow and waved around as if to say 'come on what are you waiting for?'

"Foster, the truth is... I..... I..... I.... I'm so incredibly bored. Oh and hand-" The rest of his sentence was cut off by Sophie flinging a pillow at his head.

"I THOUGHT SOMETHING SERIOUS HAPPENED" She yelled at him her fear evaporating and her anger replacing the gut-wrenching fear that had been brewing in the sour pit of her stomach.

"I came to you since nothing is boring with you around" Keefe explained

"I'm not sure if I should....." She trailed off biting her lower lip her emotions a jumble of longing, uncertainty and something like excitement.

"NOW YOU HAVE TO TELL ME" He yelled in excitement.

"On April first there's a human holding called April fools day. They go around pranking each other." She explained carefully.

"Wait so your telling me that there is an entire human holiday dedicated to pranking," He bounced on the tips of his toes.

"Keefe no." She told his racing figure.

"Keefe Yes tomorrow Foster meet me at Callas Tree and bring the others!"
She sighed in exasperation as he raced to Edaline.

"Hiya Edaline. I need a favor if I can ask?"
She smiled and nodded. "Can you make me custard burts?" He lowered his voice and glanced around before adding "Make 2 cherry-chocolate but can the rest have a mix of hush slush and colour changing elixirs the mix works. I should know." He offered a wink.

"A prank? Right?" He nodded and she said "Hm... Alright as long as you let me in on the plan"  He grinned whilst he explained his ingenious plan. She'd laughed till she cried and had told him to go forth with plan. After he left he went to Atlantis and got a couple pieces of equipment with Ro ranting about Sandor the entire time. Then he went to Mysterium and got a couple of elixirs then he went home and made a blue print before leaping back to Haven field and got to work under the moons pale glow.


"What do you want Keefe?"  Keefe had been up all night setting up his plan to totally fool his best friends on April fools day giving them each a taste of their own medicine.

"I made each of you guys a little gift of sorts. Belive me when I say you will love them after all I am the gift master! Anyway at the end of you opening your gifts I have some chocolate-cherry custard burts Edalines recipe."
They all nodded though they looked weary and a little mischievous?
"Ok Foster First. Here is your gift" He handed her a box wrapped in gold paper and she opened it away from her when nothing popped out she glanced at the elixir.

"Not a sedative. An elixir to make your hair pink at the tips." She slipped it back into the box and was about to give it to Biana when Keefe told her "Drink now!"

She sighed a drink the elixir but all of a sudden her eyes widened and she said "Keefe why can I see rainbows?"

"Its an elixir to make you happy instead of worry 24/7 a taste of your own medicine"

Slowly his friends all recieved their gifts Biana had sparkles all over face by the end of it along with paint, Dex had gotten an elixir to make him really tiny, Fitz was a jerbel, Tam was invisible under Callas shadow and Linh was doused in water.

"YOU GUYS ARE SO GULLABLE!!" He said handing them a custard burst.
"NO I am not eating anything you give us today" Tam handed it back but Keefe bit his and said "see nothing to worry about Foster can eat hers and you'll see ita fine" Sophie carefully took a bite and nodded her approval. All of a sudden Biana was about to say something when.... nothing came out. She tried again then turned around to Keefe and tried yelling but again nothing came out.

Fitz tried laughing at his sister but no sound came out. "Me and Foster ....had the safe bursts while you..... 5 had.... the ones with hush slush and hair dye elixirs..." Keefe managed between laughs. He saw Sophie try to contain her laughter with choked coughs.

"And there's one more thing maybe its the cure to make you guys talk and your hair not look like a big fat mess. I mean seriously you look worse then the Fitzphie ooze fest."

Ro laughed before saying "that was a lot of ooze,"

"Fine," or thats what Keefe hoped Tam said he couldn't quite read lips yet.

So they all joined hands as keefe used a crystal to leap them all to Foxfire.

"Each of you open your locker," Keefe instructed the twins went first.

Tam got bats fully out followed by gremlin who jumped onto Tam face.
Linh got an explosion of mermaid tiger delight followed by a grumpy princess purryfins.

They walked with a surly Tam and aess then happy Linh trailing behind them.
"Your turn Fitzy," Fitz eyed Keefe before getting an explosion of gurgle gut and the surprise animal awaiting him was a..... Muskog who was definitely frightened.

Biana went next, she was greeted with glitter mixed with... fart a la carte.

If keefe knew better she was probably cursing him right now.

The final two Dex and Sophie walked to their lockers and opened them together. Or Dex tried to. He was still the size of an ichrite.

Keefe opened the door and hid behind it as a flurry of bits and bobs, nails and bolts all came pouring out. His animal was a emerald  pooka. Sophie was greeted with lovely locks and her animal was a purple tomple.

"Please tell us that's it," Sophie begged.
Keefe nodded though I can't explain it let's just say their next day at Foxfire gave them an experience worse than the great glow incident.

A/N: What did you guys think tell me what I  should do next in the comments.

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