Do you promise {Final part}

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A/N: I couldn't wait to update with the final part cause it's adorable and I have quite a few oneshot idea's... mainly cause of the MLB fic but it gave me some ideas compatible with this story too and a few more of them can be done if I turn this into an AU thing so YES I am excited for this and I have some re-newed energy for this Fic book and Y E S! So I hope you enjoy this final part and enjoy!

And as you can tell my MLB obsession means MLB amv's for the video things above!

And here is a link to the inspo final part:


"Biana are you sure this is a good idea?" Sophie asked looking at herself in the mirror. 

Being Biana's model was an increadible honour but Sophie just didn't think she'd have the guts to pull it off. All those people, the way she'd have to walk, the timing. It sent shivers down her spine just thinking about it. 

But of course, as usual Biana was persistent and insisted Sophie was perfect for the roll. 

"Soph, you are gorgeous. Inside and out. A true model is pure on the inside and gorgeous on the outside. And you are my best friend. I wouldn't want my dresses modelled by anyone but you!" Sophie's heart swelled with the compliments but her stubborn mind forced her to shake her head.

"The dresses are so pretty, I'd hate you loose points because of me."

It was a mini fashion show of sorts. There were three different themes. Three dresses. The judges were the fashion design teachers, and a teacher from each of the other buildings. Law, Tech, Art.. etc. 

The model wouldn't really affect the score of the dress but there was a saying that went "The model makes the dress." So if Sophie didn't walk out there confidently Biana's amazing design would look utterly dull all because of her. 

"Sophie. You are gorgeous." Biana lectured sternly gripping Sophie's shoulders. "I don't care if I don't win if that's what you're worried about. As long as my designs are seen and put out there I don't care if I don't even win second or third place. I just need my name out there."

Sophie fiddled with the ribbon on her wrists, before sighing and smoothing out the ruffly skirt of the dress that fanned out from the waist. 

Biana gave her a sly look before adding "Though I am one hundred percent sure I'll pass."

A chuckle escaped Sophie's lips before she could bite it back. "Had to brag didn't you?"

"Naturally." The two friends chuckled before Biana pulled away from the hug that ensued their laughter. Pursing her lips she dramatically said "Now go! Show them what you can do! And I'll see you after the ceremony!"


Sophie wished she could change into something more comfortable. Maybe an over sized hoodie and sweat pants. But Biana did, sooo... no clothe change was going to happen for a while. Not until midnight at least. 

A sigh escaped her lips as she decided to text Biana that she'd be at the Universities Lake is she needed her.

As she leaned on the metal rails, she watched as the setting sun painted the sky in a canvas of colours. Red of fire, oranges of warmth, yellows of happiness and pinks of joy. The occasional calming purple streak and hints of sapphire blue all glowed in their own aura of majesty. Painting the lake the same colours.

Sophie stayed there for what felt like centuries just staring as the sky's colours and hues changed and the colours of twilight took over. The moon glowed, a silver orb of light throwing shadows everywhere. 

The stars twinkled and their light refracted into the lake creating a calm ambience. 

"I should go home. See if I can find anything else about Keefe. Maybe check his recent activity... if I'm lucky someone I know."

"Look for who?" She knew someone had been following her. She just thought she had been being paranoid cause of her annoying clothes. 

But in that moment, call her melodramatic but... it felt like time had stopped just for her. 

The thump of her heart beat, the owner of the voice's footsteps came closer and tears pricked the corners of her eyes. 

She spun around slowly wishing with all her might that the person behind her as the person she had been looking for. And Lady Luck finally found her. There he was. The classic {now famous} smirk of his tainted his lips and she smiled. 

"You look perfect Foster." Same face, same voice. Just all grown up.

"Keefe." She barely held back a sob as she threw her arms around him squeezing him as hard as she could. 

"I am so sorry I'm late." His unstable breathing told her he felt the exact same mess of emotions she did.

"You took your sweet time dummy." After they pulled apart Sophie's mind seemed to snap back to reality and she started attacking him with questions. 

"How did you find me? I'm not as known as you are... I am not 'Foster' anymore!" He chuckled as more questions spilled from her.

Keefe smiled, his thumb clearing away all her tears. "I talked to Biana and she mentioned you, a bit of scouring on IG and Dizznee's post about you graduating helped me find you. I talked to Biana mere minutes after she mentioned you and I tried chasing you to your class but didn't make it in time. So I figured you'd be at the show and it took a bit of looking but you were here." Keefe explained. 

Sophie laughed and if Keefe could have bottled the sound he would have. "Not really a long story short but it happened in days. Two actually." 

"You probably won't understand what I am about to tell you and it's going to sound stupid but... I love you Foster. I really do." She stayed silent her mind rolling his words around. 

She wasn't silent because she didn't understand, but because she was surprised. 

"I know you wanna become a lawyer and I know that this is sudden like." He chuckled. "This guy shows up out of the blue after 15 years and is yammering on here about how he loves me and he is just stalling right now and has no clue-" Sophie slung her arms around his neck and before she placed her lips on his she whispered "I do get it Keefe. You know why? Because I have loved you for 15 years and will love you till the day I die." 

She kissed him. He kissed back. And it was like magic as though sparks erupted between them. Keefe deepened the kiss and only when she pulled slightly did he let her go.

"I do Keefe, after all, I have been charged guilty."

"Of?" He raised a brow.

"I have been charged with the crime of loving someone."


"I don't know what to call you now." Keefe pouted as he held her at the altar.

"How about Sophie?" She suggested smiling. 

"No, too bland and boring. It will always be Foster." He decided. Even the priest laughed at their conversation. 

"But you can't call me that now can you?" She questioned her eyes twinkling. 

"Get married now love birds then talk. The honey moon isn't until later!" Biana shouted earning a chorus of laughs from the guests.

"I guess I won't be able to. Not after this." He agreed. "Ready to be Mrs. Scencen?"

She smiled looking at their intertwined pinkies. She smiled a soft accepting one. "Totally."

This story. Their story. Started with a pinky promise of child hood friends. And now it ends. Their story. Or well chapter. Ends. With a ring on fingers and the label of love. 

A/N: AHH i am so happy this is done. Well not really since I enjoyed it very much but I am glad to write more after it I got a ton of idea's. But I hope you enjoyed this and stay tuned for more! And if u like MLB prepare cause I'm going there next!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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