A Dexiana One-shot

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Author Note: I LOVE DEXIANA and last night I came up with the perfect fluff-filled yet angsty oneshot that I hope you all enjoy! It will alternate between Biana and Dex's perspectives and the above song just makes me feel like they are sooo made for each other! What do you think?


"Mom I'm going to see Dex!!!" I yell from Everglens leap master.

"Ok, hon Have fun. Oh and try not to lose Woltzer." Della's melodious voice echoed {I think it was woltzer right?}.

I rolled my eyes but just as I was about to yell out "Mysterium" my annoying brother appeared up the stairs with a raised eyebrow. "Dex?" He questioned with a goofy grin.

"He.Is.My.Friend. I have no clue what you're grinning about." I snap.

"Whatever you say... B?" 

"Ughhhh..... You know I can't exactly say this to my brother." I emphasise the word brother. I mean seriously. Fitz is a lot of things but one of them does not involve telling him about my love life.

"Biana... Please?" He begged with big puppy eyes and a pout painted across his lips. I sigh and roll my eyes before relenting and saying: "Fine." He pulls on my wrist and drags me to his room before glancing left and right nodding at the two goblins and closing the door. "Now tell me where did this unlikely love blossom?" He questions and the way he says It makes you think he is a fangirl or something.



"Ugh... fine.... after we had the sleepover and I styled his hair I noticed he kept it that way and for some reason I was happy. After I realized.... something happened between him and Sophie I don't know why but I felt...." {I don't remember if Fitz knows about the Kiss so for this, she just saved Soph from an embarrassing revelation.}

"Jealous." He finished and the look in his eye told me he was speaking from experience.

"Yeah.... after we both got appointed as Regents and had to spend more time together I felt uncharacteristically happy. I felt that same happiness when he gave me the panic switch not because it might save me but because he made mine more special with the stone." I added glancing at the pink gem sitting on the silver band. "There are so many other moments that are so small yet..."

"They mean everything to you." Fitz finished and this time I was sure he was speaking from experience. "I get it now. Just.... be careful there are a lot of guys out there who like you too you know. And I swear if he hurts you."

"Yeah yeah, you'll go all mega brother on him." I roll my eyes before standing up and racing back to the leapmaster with Woltzer on my tail. "Have fun," Fitz yells. I smile before calling "Mysterium!" As the little gate crystal swirled down I felt jumpy with excitement. I was about to see Dex.


Biana had said she was coming but something about her tone made me feel like butterflies were slamming against my stomach. But she doesn't like me like that. I know she didn't. She likes Tam. I mean look at him then compare the two of us. Even though he was banished he does still have the Song surname and the Song looks. I look..... cute? I mean he has the whole powerful Shade thing going on and what do I have? Oh, I can talk to gadgets! Wow! I mean if it weren't for him Fitz would be.... gone. He saved her brother, not me. Seriously. What would she find in me that he-

"Dex....." My dad waved a hand in front of me and I realized I was covered in sunset coloured gloop. And that I had messed up the worlds simplest serum. Sophie could make the stupid serum.

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