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The boy took a deep breath as he looked at himself in the locker room mirror. He had his leather armor with gold accents strapped on over a blue short sleeved shirt. Protecting his legs was a pair of golden shin guards. His right hand was covered by a archery glove while a leather bracer was strapped to his left arm. He brushed some of his chestnut brown hair out of his face before pulling on his quiver of arrows. Finally, he picked up his weapon, Ithaca, and moved towards the entrance to the arena.

He smiled as the commentator began announcing the next match through the speaker system.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you have seen much today. But I assure you, this final match will take your breath away. Please, make some noise for the Archer of Argus, Yale Iliad!"

Yale turned Ithaca into bow form as he entered the arena. The crowd roared as he raised his weapon high with a confident smile. While his ultimate goal was to become a huntsman and protect others, he had to admit, he would miss the rush of being in the arena.

"And now, please welcome his opponent. The Invincible Girl, the one and only Pyrrha Nikos!"

Yale looked over to see his opponent walk out into the arena. Her golden armor glinted in the sun as the crowd's roar doubled in intensity. She gave them a wave before moving to the center, standing face to face with Yale.

"Ready to lose, cuz?" she asked him with a smirk.

"Oh, I'll get you this time." Yale replied as he returned the smirk.

"Combatants, ready yourselves!"

Pyrrha drew her sword and shield while Yale knocked an arrow, resting fingers on the bowstring.

"Three. Two. One. Begin!"

Before Pyrrha could move, Yale activated his semblance, mastermind. His thinking picked up speed as his thoughts began traveling at supersonic speeds. He quickly analyzed Pyrrha's stance and equipment, comparing it to his own to make an assessment of his situation.

"Her advantage: her equipment, a shield for better defense. My advantage: the reach of my weapon." he concluded.

He then began planning his moves.

"Incoming charge with raised shield. Jump off shield to gain height and distance advantage. Maintain distance and target unprotected areas. Wear opponent out if necessary."

In a single second, Yale had his plan completed. As Pyrrha charged, Yale hopped onto her shield and used it to catapult himself upwards and backwards. As he glided through the air, he turned around and aimed Ithaca at Pyrrha, releasing the bowstring. She quickly lifted her shield to block the arrow.

After landing, Yale kept firing arrows, aiming at areas like her legs and shoulder. Each time she moved her shield to block the projectile. She smirked as she realized what Yale's plan was. She switched her sword to its rifle form and began shooting at him from behind the cover her shield provided. Yale attempted to keep up his attack, but being forced to dodge limited the amount of arrows he could shoot greatly. Eventually, Pyrrha managed to close the distance, forcing Yale to switch Ithaca to its double ended spear form.

The clashed weapons, pushing against each other in an effort to gain the upper hand. They then broke the blade lock and began exchanging blows. Yale moved Ithaca as fast as he could, his weapon practically a blur as he attempted to break past Pyrrha's shield. The girl in retaliation kept trying to find openings in her cousin's guard, switching between sword and javelin to try and throw him off.

After separating again, Yale quickly glanced upwards at the screen displaying both of their aura levels. They were both quite low, but Pyrrha had the advantage. He would have to finish this quickly. As he turned back to Pyrrha, he activated his semblance again, accelerating his thoughts.

"Direct shot ineffective, more subtle tactic required. Fire dust arrow behind her, blast sends her forward, clothesline her with horizontal spear cut. Aura level drops to red, I win."

Yale smirked as he changed Ithaca back to a bow and fired the arrow. As he had expected, Pyrrha raised her shield, allowing the arrow to fly past her legs. She frowned in confusion before identifying the arrowhead lined with red dust. Her eyes widened, but it was too late. The arrow exploded, pushing her towards Yale. He smiled, switching Ithaca back into a spear and performing a horizontal cut, expecting to claim victory.

Unfortunately, there was one variable he had forgotten to account for: Pyrrha's semblance. Activating it, she managed to redirect Ithaca's spearhead, causing it to move harmlessly over her head, throwing Yale off balance. She then quickly used her sword to stop her momentum before slamming the shield into the back of Yale's knee. As his leg gave way, Pyrrha stood up and placed her sword's blade against Yale's throat.

"And the winner is Pyrrha Nikos!"

"Not again." Yale sighed.

Pyrrha smiled kindly as she sheathed her weapons and offered him a hand.

"You'll do better next time." she assured him.

Yale wasn't so sure about it, but he smiled and took her hand anyway. He then turned to the crowd and gave them a salute before grabbing Pyrrha's arm and raising it high above their heads, accepting her as champion. The crowd roared as the cousins shared a smile. Yale might never have managed to beat her. But he still always enjoyed fighting against Pyrrha. The battlefield was where he felt at home. And he wouldn't change it for the world.

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