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A boy kneeled down on the forest floor. His green jacket blended in perfectly with his surroundings. He ran a hand through his sandy blond hair, his emerald eyes examining the tracks in front of him carefully. His fingers traced the paw print.

"Where are they?" he asked himself.

He had been tracking the pack for a few hours, but now they had suddenly vanished. The tracks were chaotic, each going in a different, random direction. It made no sense. Unless...

'A trap!' he realized.

Hearing the growling, he rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the large black shape. A creature of Grimm.
The boy gritted his teeth as the Grimm snarled at him. As he looked around, he noticed the rest of the pack coming out of the trees.

"I hate Beowolves." he grumbled to himself.

As if offended by this statement, the first Beowolf bared its fangs and leaped at the boy.

The boy calmly stood up and pulled out his axe, Lumberjack. As the Grimm came closer, he stepped to the side and buried Lumberjack in its head. The rest of the pack took it as a declaration of war and began their assault.

The boy smirked. Beowolves might have some strategic awareness, but they were still Grimm. They were still feral, controlled by hatred and rage and lacking in precision.

He rolled underneath the next attacker. As he stood up, he swung his axe, slashing a third Grimm across the face. He then turned around and brought the blade down on the back of the one he had avoided, severing its spine. The boy then took a step back as another Beowolf went sailing past him, barely escaping its claws. He grabbed the Beowolf 's tail, the creature yelping in surprise, before slamming it on the ground. He then put Lumberjack's blade to the Grimm's throat before stomping on it, decapitating the monster. He turned to another Beowolf that was rearing back, preparing to strike with both clawed paws. Without hesitating, the boy hit the creature in the face with the butt of his weapon, making the monster fall to the ground on its back. He then lifted Lumberjack above his head before bringing the blade down on the creature's chest. The Grimm then screeched in agony as the boy dragged the weapon across its chest, tearing a large gash.
The boy pulled the weapon out of the corpse as it dissolved into shadows and stared down his last opponent, an Alfa Beowolf. He gritted his teeth and ran at the creature. He took a strong swing from the right, putting as much strength as he could behind it. The Beowolf caught the blade with its paw and bared its fangs. The boy, however, smirked at the Grimm. He then used his semblance, overcharge, to gather energy in his left fist before throwing a punch that sent his opponent flying. The Grimm yelped as it hit a tree. Dazed it looked up to see the boy leap forward, raising Lumberjack high above his head before bringing it down, cleaving the monster clean in half.

After it dissolved, the boy wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand and walked off. As he left the forest he left a note on the sign welcoming hikers:

"No need to worry about Grimm. You're welcome and enjoy your hike.
-Erin Forrester "

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