Welcome to Beacon

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Erin Forrester was scrolling through messages from his parents, when the voice of one of his friends caught his attention.

"Everyone at Beacon is gonna think you're the bee's knees!"

He looked to his left to see a tall girl with a large mane of golden hair that looked like it had never come in close proximity with a pair of scissors. It was his best friend, the one and only Yang Xiao Long. She was currently talking with her younger sister, Ruby Rose, who was dressed in a black and red combat skirt and a long red cape. Yang's lilac eyes sparkled with excitement as she spoke. In contrast, Ruby's eyes showed only embarrassment.

"I don't wanna be the bee's knees! I don't wanna be any kind of knees! I just wanna be a normal girl with normal knees." she complained.

"If you ask me, I think it's pretty cool that you managed to get in two years earlier." Erin told her.

The blonde turned towards him and smiled.

"See? Woody gets it."

Erin groaned as he covered his face with his hand.

"Why? Why do you keep using that horrible nickname?"

"You know you like it." Yang told him.

"I really don't." he replied.

Yang laughed it off and gave him a pat on his shoulder.

"Thanks, Erin. I just don't want people to think I'm getting special treatment or something. And also, I don't have any friends at Beacon." Ruby said.

Erin smiled and placed a hand on the younger girl's shoulder.

"Ruby, you are special in the best way possible. You are special because your skills, gained you early entrance into Beacon. As for friends, well, you already got me and Yang. I think you'll be fine." Erin told her as reassurance.

Ruby gave him a grateful smile.
Their conversation was interrupted as the news report on the criminal Roman Torchwick was replaced by hologram of Glynda Goodwitch welcoming the students to Beacon.
The group of three moved towards the window to look at the academy.

"Oh, wow! Look, you can see Signal from up here." Ruby said, marveling at the view.

"Yeah, it sure is something." Erin agreed.

They were all suddenly pushed to the side as a blond boy hurried past them to get to the trash can.

"I guess the view's not for everyone." Yang commented.

"Poor guy. I bet he's gonna be known as 'Vomit Boy' for the rest of his school life." Erin said.

Ruby then noticed something on Yang's shoe.

"Ew! Yang, there's puke on your shoe!"

The blonde looked down to see that her sister was correct.

"Ew! Gross, gross, gross!"

"What're you doing standing there? Go wash it!" Erin exclaimed as he and Ruby took a step back.

In another corner of the airship sat a girl with pale blond hair tied into a low bun. She wore a white trench coat with black accents and a navy blue shirt underneath. The coat's sleeves were rolled up and her hands were covered by a pair of fingerless light blue gloves. Her large bastard sword rested on the seat next to her as she talked on her scroll.

"Don't worry, Celeste. I packed everything. Yes, I do have enough dust cartridges."

"Alright. You know I'm just worried about you, Bianca. Especially after your father... you know."

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